Chapter 5: Dark Magic and Light Scheming

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The Other Woman - Nina Simone

The Mortuary had never been so quiet. No smoke, no eyerolls, no scoffs. And now Lilith was at loss as to what to do with herself. Hilda had ushered the younger Spellmans into the study, guessing Lilith would be overwhelmed by what had happened, hoping and praying to Hecate they'd find some way of getting their Zelda back.

Lilith was sat in Zelda's usual worn seat by the warming fire, fiddling with her wife's antique cigarette holder with worry etched into her sharp features. Vinegar Tom's small head rested on her foot, pinning for his mistress.

Somewhere in the kitchen she could hear Hilda explaining things to her husband whilst brewing Lilith a pot of chamomile tea – for her nerves, as she'd say.

But Lilith didn't know what she was talking about. She was perfectly fine.

"There we go, lamb. There, that's it, drink it all down," Hilda cooed, practically forcing the tea down Lilith, hand under the China cup at the demoness' mouth.

Lilith drained the cup quickly at Hilda's request, not having much of a choice and wanting this well-meant fuss to be over as soon as possible. To her surprise, she felt a little calmer – perhaps it was the tea or simply Hilda's soothing aura. She was about to get up to thank her sister in-law and say her goodnight, – even if just to have this day be over already – but then Hilda gently pushed her back into the seat.

She cleared her throat to speak, "Lilith, love, are you alright? Today must've been awful for you too, hm?"

Hilda's brow knitted together, putting her small hand on Lilith's knee reassuringly.

"I'm fine, Hilda, don't you worry. Let's just get her back, shall we?" she murmured, looking down to the dog at her feet, not wanting Hilda to see her vulnerability.

"It's alright, dear. You and Zelda were inseparable ever since the day you got to know each other... Having your wife taken from you... I can't even begin to imagine... You must be terribly frightened, love, aren't you?" Hilda lowered her head, following Lilith's as she spoke.

"No, I'm a Queen," Lilith declared, rising from her seat, and rolling her shoulders back, "Queens aren't frightened," she spoke with authority, turning to Hilda as she left. "Goodnight, Hilda."

"Goodnight, lamb. Blessed dreams."

Hilda shook her head, looking as Lilith left the room. Clearing the tea tray, she took a deep breath, keeping her tears at bay.

Lilith trotted into the bedroom, lighting the candles with a flick of her wrist, not in the mood for the headlights, and got herself ready for bed. After she'd changed, she slowly came to stand in front of the vanity's mirror, looking at her reflection but subconsciously expecting to see Zelda behind her in it.

But the bed was empty – Something she hadn't thought about until now. She shook her head, letting her gaze fall on the vanity with Zelda's hairbrush, some single red hairs still in it. Her hand brushed it, feeling the nubbles of the brush under her fingertips just slightly.

Then she found the dozens of creams Zelda would use. And even after years of marriage, Lilith hadn't figured out what they were for.

Zelda was perfect.

Her lips curved softly, and she opened a tin, the scent immediately invading her nostrils and she closed her eyes recognising the familiarity. Lilith took a bit and rubbed it on her hands and forearms before something else piqued her interest.

Zelda's nightgown was hanging over the back of the chair.

No. She wouldn't be one of those people. Wouldn't be so sentimental. She hadn't even been gone for a day... Yet it was the longest they'd been apart since their wedding. She wouldn't. She had dignity.

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