Chapter 8: Hellishly So

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Desire — Meg Myers

Lilith took Zelda's hand and entwined their fingers between them as she walked her into the throne room of Pandemonium, side by side, clad in royal, flowing dresses that presented only the best parts of their bodies.

In front of the throne, the Hordes - or rather the survivors - were gathered and lined up perfectly. It was rare for them to show this kind of discipline, but it was no rarity at all for them to act differently whenever Zelda was present.

All eyes were on her as they came to a halt right in the middle, hands letting go and resting joined below their chests. Chins high, they looked over the crowd of demons as if counting them and the room fell silent before they all went down on their knees at once to bow low.

Lilith could not figure out why the entirety of her subjects were in awe of her wife, yet she couldn't deny she had the same effect on her as well. Whenever Zelda was down here with her, she was in charge.

"Demons," Zelda started pregnantly, "Though our numbers are depleted, today, we've gathered here to celebrate those who lived and to honor those who fought for my freedom."

"You may rise," Lilith instructed, "And stand tall for you have more than exceeded my expectations of your loyalty and commitment to this kingdom."

"And I feel it is my personal duty to honor the sacrifice of one of you in particular," Zelda continued.

"Abbadon, step forward," Lilith commanded firmly.

Heads turned towards him, whispers echoing around the great room.

"Come closer," Zelda encouraged, gesturing in front of her with her hand.

Abbadon followed the order, his hands joined behind his back, and approached her. Once he stood, he took Zelda's hand and kissed the back of it a little too long for Lilith's liking, bowing his head.

"First Lady."

Zelda withdrew her hand gently as she noticed Lilith's displeased side-glare and suppressed an amused smile. His gaze lingered on her cleavage that was pushed up by the ultramarine corset she was wearing and she tutted discovering it.

Abbadon recognised his mistake immediately and took a respectful step back, building a reasonable distance between them. Nevertheless, his eyes still had cheek sparkling in them, a certain suggestiveness that was entirely and solely meant for Zelda.

"Abbadon, great destroyer. You have led half our soldiers through this arduous battle," Lilith stated.

"And most of all, you were the one ready to drive the Spear of Longinus into our enemy. An act that could've and almost has cost you your life. For this, I want to reward you."

Abbadon licked his lips at the word "reward", hanging on Zelda's lips the whole time she had been speaking. Lilith's eyes flashed dangerously at him and he ducked his head between his shoulders, but not without a little bit of pride.

Zelda stepped forward and conjured a shiny badge in her hands that she placed on Abbadon's uniform with adept fingers, giving him a smile and a wink before returning to her former position.

"By our Dark Mother Hecate and by your Queen of Hell, Lilith, you shall from now on carry the title of Sir Abbadon the Fearless," Zelda declared, nodding her head with intent before resuming, "In addition, you are granted one wish that you can call on any time you please. The only condition is, both, the Queen and I, have to agree to it."

The Hordes applauded and cheered, though not without a hint of jealousy in their growls.

"And with that, let the celebrations begin! Fill your glasses, throw them against the wall and enjoy yourselves in the name of your Queen and her First Lady. You've earned it. All of you."

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