Chapter 4: Perfectly Subtle

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Shelter — Birdy

Lilith woke up the next morning with the same pang of guilt she had already spent the night with. The early morning sun was bright through the gap in the curtains and as she looked at the light, she noticed the colours it brought out in her wife's auburn hair.

Reaching out tentatively to stroke the curls, she mused to herself, "I better get to making this coffee before you wake," and smiled affectionately.

Whilst in the kitchen, Lilith decided to put together some chocolate croissants and fruit — it would not ease the guilt she was feeling, but the gesture would make Zelda smile. After all, this had been their preferred breakfast whilst they had honeymooned in Paris (utterly cliché but they'd loved it).

Bringing the floral tray upstairs, she found Zelda was already propped up on her pillows and just about to light a cigarette — something Lilith wasn't too fond of in bed, but Zelda was set in her ways.

"All this for me, darling?" Zelda beamed at her wife, tapping the ash into the tray beside her.

"Of course, my dear," Lilith replied happily, staring at Zelda a little longer than she usually would.

"Well, do come over here before the coffee runs cold. I won't bite," she chuckled as she took in Lilith's dishevelled-looking hair and night clothes, pointing towards a rough night.

"I brought your favourite this morning. I thought with everything that happened the other day, you deserve a little indulgence," she murmured as she sat the tray down between them.

Lilith was fiddling absentmindedly with the edge of Zelda's German paper she'd brought up with her, its pages still cold from the post box.

She watched Zelda taking the last long drag of her cigarette before abandoning it in the ashtray. Then she took a sip of her coffee and nibbled the end of her croissant, unaware of the blob of chocolate on her lip when she put the pastry down.

Out of instinct, Lilith slowly wiped her thumb across the plump bottom lip, lingering a little before casually licking her thumb.

Zelda's eyes grew heavy with lust at the sight of Lilith's tongue swirling around her thumb, cleaning it from the sweet substance (though she hadn't meant for it to be arousing).

She took some chocolate on her own finger while Lilith was busy picking her coffee up and then proceeded to swipe it on her wife's lip, who drew back puzzled, yet amused, and stared at her.

Never-minding that, Zelda began seductively turning Lilith's head, licking along her bottom lip in an achingly slow, teasing manner where the sweet taste of chocolate combined with that of Lilith's lips.

And just like that, Zelda had decided what kind of indulgence exactly she wanted this morning. Her already roaming tongue set a course for Lilith's slightly open mouth. Bringing her hand up to cradle her wife's head, hands full of chestnut curls, she set about gaining entry.

Lilith's hand moved from her wife's arm to settle on her upper thigh whilst trying to expose the smooth skin there, finally giving Zelda's tongue space to continue its delicious assault on her mouth.

Zelda — purring into Lilith's mouth at the feeling of her wife's hand travelling up her leg — moved her hands from her head and pushed her slowly by the shoulders onto the bed, clambering on her in a way that made Lilith feel like she was her prey.

Lilith continued kissing Zelda, trying her hardest to convey the passion her wife was craving and not the guilt she was feeling.

Zelda's mouth moved down Lilith's neck while her other hand palmed the weight of her breast. She made clear she wanted Lilith – and the demoness was well aware of that yet felt her mind on the verge of slipping.

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