Chapter 11: The Art of Losing

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Note: Lilith's scene is about the hardest shit I've ever written so do enjoy thoroughly haha <3


The Chain — Fleetwood Mac

Hilda subtly looked back over her shoulder into the parlour for what must've been the hundredth time. The kettle seemed to be taking an age to bring to the boil; all she wanted was to try and get her distraught older sister to stop working for a damned second on that blessed lesson plan for the lectures Lilith had asked her for permission to give long ago.

Tea finally poured, she made her way back into the dimly lit room. Her eyes flitted to her sister's small form, hunched over, perching on the edge of the couch, her familiar on her lap. Can't the woman just sit down properly, she thought.

She went to the tray on the coffee table and reached for Zelda's usual cup and saucer; her sister wouldn't even look up, hurriedly scribbling something down, dragging on her cigarette, then crossing it out again with almost violent strokes of her pen. Hilda set the cup down and meekly pushed the dish in her sister's direction, who only made some growling sound she wasn't exactly sure was directed at her.

Taking in a large breath, Hilda was about to speak when she was abruptly cut off.

"Hilda, while I appreciate the sentiment now is not the time to pester me with your incessant fussing." Her tone was clipped, her gaze avoidant. Classic Zelda.

Huffing, Hilda looked at her sister and rolled her eyes. Foolish of her to think she'd even get a chance to attempt to have a word with her. She hadn't breathed a word about the matter with Lilith after that day she had found her a sobbing mess. To be fair though, she hadn't seen her cry since that day as well, but the black-stained tissue peeking out from under the hem of her black pencil skirt was speaking a different language.

As if sensing she had noticed, Zelda absently stuffed it back to where it was hidden and smoothed her navy blue silk blouse, then picking up another sticky note to write something down, crumpled another one, rubbing her eye and continuing scribbling another draft of the plan. As if that would fix the situation.

"Will you just accept that maybe I care about your wellbeing," Hilda mumbled without hope of succeeding but a good amount of sarcasm that was unusual for her, but fitting her level of frustration.

Zelda's eyes met her sister's briefly then, she saw the affection on Hilda's features despite her tone and hated it. She felt her lip quiver for a moment there and clenched her jaw in response, then moved away slightly, Vinnie T slowly falling off her lap and waddling to the kitchen. She looked after him and her shoulders sagged.

"See, even the dog has left me..." she breathed out slowly and only then realised she'd said that out loud, regret obvious on her tired face.

"Oh Zelds-" Hilda began, but knew better.

Reaching out, she placed her hand over Zelda's giving it a small, firm squeeze and put a tissue there. When Zelda didn't draw away immediately, just eyed their hands as if having trouble processing what's happening, Hilda got her hopes up.

Zelda looked terrible. Hilda was sure she wasn't sleeping, she could hear her pacing every night, Hecate, she never even saw the woman relax into a chair. No wonder the space under her eyes was darker than the eldritch terror, eyes redder and wider than hell itself.

There was hell in her eyes.

"Please Hildy, don't. Just don't," she uttered, appearing as if unsure how to react to the gesture still and just frozen.

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