Chapter 9: Let me put on a show for you, Tiger

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Yayo — Lana Del Rey

Hilda fluffed the pillows one last time, arranging them in spots on the parlor floor, colorful blankets littering it as well as the couches. Large amounts of nail varnishes and face masks had been brought in on a pink tray, along with Sabrina's favourite rom-coms and snacks.

Taking one last look around the room, she clasped her hands in excitement. It was finally Sabrina's bachelorette party and she let out a little squeal as her sister breezed into the room, looking around at the set up.

"Hilda, what's all this for?" Zelda mumbled, kicking the pink cushions on the floor dubiously.

"The pamper night we promised our niece for her bachelorette party, remember?" Hilda replied, not looking at her sister, absorbed in tying the balloon arch over the doors to the room.

"Ah well, yes about that... I've actually organized a little surprise, if you will," Zelda announced without much concern in her voice.

That immediately caught Hilda's attention and her shoulders tensed.

"Zelds, I swear to Hecate if it's strippers I will scream this bloody mortuary down! She asked for a nice quiet evening," Hilda ground out dramatically.

"Of course she did Hildy... Only because she doesn't know what she's missing," Zelda breathed salaciously at her sister, eyebrow wiggling.

Hilda tutted and shoved her, "Goddess help us all..." before shooting in an almost accusing manner, "And does Lilith know about this, hm?"

"Of course she does Hilda, where do you think I got them from? She was my co-conspirator."

Zelda chuckled at her sister's deep frown that was turning into a defeated head-shake.

"Fine Zelds, but I want us to do the pampering first, poor girl doesnt know what she's in for..."

"That's the point Hilda..." Zelda rolled her eyes and scoffed as she left the parlor to prepare for the evening events. Hilda followed her sister, not fully trusting what she would prepare.

As they walked through the circular arch into the kitchen, they noticed Lilith sitting cross-legged at the island, immersed in reading Zelda's paper (today's issue was in Italian).

"Buon giorno cara," Lilith purred at Zelda before noticing Hilda following closely behind her.

"Good morning to you too, Lilith," Hilda huffed with amusement and Lilith flashed her a smile.

"Morning Hilda, how's the prep coming along for tonight?"

"Well Lilith, I've since been informed by my not-so-subtle sister that it was all for nought, as you've hired sex demons!" She mumbled, putting the kettle on and getting out a pan to prepare breakfast.

Zelda and Lilith shared a conspiratory look behind Hilda's back before the demoness resumed, "Ah I see, so you don't approve, Hilds?"

"Lilith, honestly, you know my little sister can be a little... prudish," Zelda interrupted, taking a small sip of her espresso.

"Prudish?... bloody prudish. I am aware of sex, you know Zelds," Hilda lowered her voice into a cautious whisper, so only Zelda and Lilith could hear her, "It's not a foreign concept in my marriage... It's just I don't like it being thrust into my face, so to speak..."

At this Lilith and Zelda began laughing in earnest before noticing Hilda had folded her arms and was scowling at them as if they were misbehaving children.

"You two are trouble, you know that? Just remember, yes, she's a woman but she's also our niece, hm? This may be a tad embarrassing for her..."

She turned to them, menacingly pointing a spatula in their direction.

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