Chapter 12: Can it stay between us?

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Hiiiii, sorry for the delay. We had to rearrange a bit, but at least I've upped the chapter number again now. Next one should be coming soonish though, since it originally was part of this one. Much love and many tears went into this. Enjoy :) <3


Such Words — Ghostly Kisses (Acoustic)

"That is good, cherié. Just like that," Maman cheered as Lilith was moving her left arm with her right, guiding it up and down.

Her focused expression, biting down on her lip and narrowing her eyes left no doubt she was fighting to engage the muscles in her numb arm into the exercise Maman was telling her every damn day to do. 

If it wasn't for her kindness and constant encouragement, Lilith would have slit her throat already. Instead, she just snarled at her and flashed a look, which Brigitte commented with a smug, benevolent smile that almost caused the cigar between her lips to fall.

"Serves you right," Lilith remarked, scrunching her nose while continuing the repetitive motion.

She could've sworn to have seen Maman stick out her tongue in return, playing with the cigar between her fingers and Lilith just shook her head.

"Don't you have anything better to do than come here all the way from Guinee every day just to torture me? Don't you have your own poor souls to toy with?"

A deep frown formed on Maman's forehead as her exhale prolonged into a humming sigh.

"Next time I find you passed out on the floor, I shall just go," she retorted with sarcasm in her tone.

She sat down next to Lilith on the royal sofa, her abundant backside filling up all the space left there. After all this time, the acrid smell emanating from the woman had become something comforting and familiar. The cane made a thud when Maman stomped it on the floor once more, looking into the distance.

"I think it's time I went back home," Lilith declared then, stopping her motion, the arm falling down so quickly as if to mock her statement.

"I think not. How will you explain this to Zelda, huh? You can hardly walk."

"Pff. I can walk. Look."

Lilith used her functioning arm to push herself up from the sofa, moved her right leg forward, then pulled her left after — and slumped to the ground without meeting any resistance from her limb.

Maman winced as she saw it and jumped up to come and help Lilith up and back to the sofa. The groans coming from the demoness clearly showed her impatience and Maman could sympathise. The Queen of Hell was missing her wife.

"Can't we just summon Medea again and tell her to undo her hex?!"

"Cher, I already told you-"

"Yeah, yeah, wasn't a hex, all that," Lilith finished for her but Maman felt the need to remind the demoness. "She just pushed your body past its limits, cherié."

They fell back into the upholstering, Maman's arm still wrapped around Lilith's torso, right under her arms. She left it there and gave a squeeze, rubbing her side even if the other woman was stiff in her hold.

Stubborn little thing.

"You're right. What do I tell Zelda when I get back. That all this was for nothing? That she's just gonna have to live with... this?" She gestured at herself, eyes closing heavily.

The way in which she said it told Maman she wasn't only referring to her condition but also herself as a person, a wife.

"Lilith, ma petite, why are you so angry at yourself, hm?" Brigitte questioned softly and placed her hand now on her wrist, thumb rubbing along.

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