Chapter 10: Unholy Church Bells

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Witchcraft — Frank Sinatra

"You're Mrs Zelda Spellman, how could this ceremony be any less than perfect, hm?"

Lilith caught Zelda's shaking hands and held them still, feeling the sweat in her grasp and smiling pitifully at her wife. She had never seen her so nervous about a simple speech. Though admittedly, wedding your own niece off was something entirely different and she could understand where her nerves were coming from.

"You're right," Zelda sucked in a breath, hoping for some of her usual confidence as well, "I'm more than capable."

Lilith chuckled softly and reached for Zelda's lips to give her a reassuring kiss, easing her a little. Their chins brushed, Lilith's nose tickling Zelda as it was moving to her cheek to linger there, palms in the curve of her waist either side. Looking over Zelda's shoulder, she froze for a moment as her eyes landed on no one other than Maman Brigitte — And her husband.

Lilith felt her heart speeding up, hammering against her chest, breathing accelerating and as she drew away from Zelda, everything started spinning so that her wife had to grab her upper arms to prevent her from fainting.

Zelda turned her head to see what had done this to her demoness and found the reason easily. She turned back to Lilith and rubbed her thumbs in circles on her skin that was left exposed by the dark floral dress she was wearing.

"It's okay Lilith, we're safe, she's tied him up, remember?"

Lilith swallowed dryly and tried to slow her breathing down, nodding frantically. Zelda didn't like seeing her like that, didn't like that her wife was still suffering from the battle. She held onto her a little longer, watching her panic slowly subside under her careful touches.

She conjured a glass of water in her hand, coaxing her into drinking up so she wouldn't get another dizzy spell. Once that was taken care of, she decided to take it into her own hands to find out what in Hecate's name they were doing here.

The audacity!

She told Lilith to wait a few minutes, keep her distance from them, she would handle this and not to worry but Lilith wouldn't let go and followed close behind her, clawing Zelda's wrist.

Her head whipped around to Lilith, clicking her tongue a little annoyed but her eyebrows drew together, disliking the change of energy in her wife much. They reached the threshold where the pair was standing; Brigitte with her head held high, cane between her feet, silky-gloved hand waving from afar.

... And then there was Baron Samedi... But in the form of Mambo Marie; a literal leash hooked to her necklace, the other end tied around Maman's cane. Zelda drew in a deep breath, shocked to see Marie's appearance.

She had never had difficulties loathing the Baron, seeing him in pain or distress, but Marie... Was different.

"What are you doing here? I had the impression we were more than done after our last encounter?"

Zelda crossed her arms, leaning into her hip, feeling Lilith against her back, half-hiding. Maman knocked her cane on the ground, scanning Zelda head to toe and smirked ever-so-slightly.

She inhaled pointedly before tutting, "Ts, ts, is that the way to greet a guest?"

Zelda gasped in exasperation, shaking her head strongly, "A guest??? I have no memory of inviting you ", she snarled.

"Ah cherié, did Lilith not tell you? We were invited, no?" Brigitte cocked her head questioningly to the side, staring from Zelda to Lilith.

The Baron...Marie, did not meet Zelda's eye; her eyes firmly planted on the cane clasped in Brigitte's hands as if she could hurt her with it any minute.

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