Epilogue: Demon Daddy

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Spectrum – Florence + The Machine
Moving her wife's red hair from under her chin, Lilith looked over the pale shoulder to the page she was reading. Turning her head, she kissed her temple and inhaled the sweet smell of her shampoo, the frame of her glasses pressing into her cheek a touch uncomfortably.
Zelda nestled further into Lilith, her back flush to her chest, enjoying the closeness. As she finished the paragraph she had been reading, she told her, "Next page, dear."
Lilith chuckled and turned the page, shifting the book into the other hand, finding the soft silk nightgown near her wife's stomach, and caressing it there. "Stop being so bossy, Mrs Spellman."
"My apologies, Madam Spellman. It won't happen again," she laughed, and looked behind her, trying to capture her wife's lips from this impractical angle.
Managing to get a kiss, she settled back and turned the page. Softly, she spoke to Lilith, her voice nervous yet hopeful. "So?"
"So?" Lilith repeated, not quite understanding what Zelda was referring to.
"The book Lilith..." Zelda tutted, pointing to the last couple of sentences.
"Ah, yes. Well, it appears from what I've read so far that it's possible."
She kissed the top of Zelda's head once more and squeezed her reassuringly.
"So, we can have a-" Zelda questioned, but her thick voice broke with emotion and Lilith wasn't sure whether it was a question for her or herself.
She felt the book being pulled from her hands and then found Zelda's arms around her neck, clinging tightly.
"Hecate Zelds!" she exclaimed, trying to put her arm around her partner to stop them falling sideways from the bed.
All Zelda could do was grin that lopsided grin that rarely made an appearance, and Lilith couldn't help but smile broadly.
"It would seem we have a ritual to organise," she mused and kissed her wife on the tip of her nose.
Rolling onto her back and taking Lilith with her, Zelda's mouth connected with her wife's jaw, continuing the journey until their lips met. Their kiss deepened and Lilith reclined on her right elbow, palm finding Zelda's already hard nipple.
As she stroked over the rosy bud, Zelda's languid moan filled Lilith's mouth for her to swallow. She took it as a cue to dive further down until her lips were replacing her hand.
Her tongue caressed the stiff peak, swirling around it when she heard Zelda's breath hitch, followed by a sultry groan. Her hands found their way into Lilith's hair, wrapping it around her fingers and pulling.
Lilith leisurely shifted her attention to graze Zelda's other nipple, ghosting the silky fabric of her nightgown over the heated skin in a featherlight motion that set her nerves on fire.
The softness of the movement made Zelda gasp, goosebumps forming over her breasts and arms. Wanting more, she arched her back into Lilith's hand, earning herself a light squeeze to the tender flesh.
Still continuing her soft caresses to Zelda's breast, Lilith began to suck harder, biting down a tiny bit, causing Zelda to flinch before arching her back further into Lilith's eager mouth, the different sensations sparking a contrasting delight.
Crawling back up to Zelda's ear, Lilith nuzzled against the spot behind the ear shell and murmured into her hair. "So, when shall we try this ritual?" She placed a kiss into the auburn softness tickling her lips while speaking.
"Well, there's no time like the present... And I'm at my most fertile... So I think right now..." she breathed, raking her fingers through Lilith's curls, dragging them across her scalp.
"I see," Lilith purred in agreement, "So you get yourself ready Mrs Spellman and I'll grab the ingredients from Hilda's supplies. How's that?" she whispered into Zelda's ear and made her way out of the bedroom after Zelda gave a soft hum back.
Once she was alone, Zelda began changing. Stepping out of the satin gown, she donned some deep red lingerie. The lace was a stark contrast to her pale skin, making her look like a goddess of fertility — just what was needed. Looking in the vanity mirror, she applied the crimson lipstick, anticipating Lilith's return.
Lilith however was absolutely feral and was rushing up the stairs, almost dropping the majority of the ingredients in her haste to get back to Zelda. Finally opening the bedroom door, she was met by the sight of Zelda bent down, marking the floor with fertility symbols in chalk.
Her tongue darted out to flick over her lips, unable to take her eyes off her wife's figure. The colour of the maroon lace across the creamy skin of Zelda's delicious curves made her eyes roam from thighs to hips and back to her ass. All the while, she didn't notice that Zelda had caught her red-handed.
"Like what you see, Madam Spellman?"
"I more than like," Lilith gulped, putting the ingredients down on the dresser clumsily.
"Well, stop gawking and let's get started dear." Zelda smirked, shamelessly eyeing Lilith's display of cleavage in her favourite emerald robe.
Crossing the room, Lilith met Zelda in the centre of the symbols. Her hand reached up to brush an errant curl from her cheek. Then she trailed down to her neck where her thumb brushed her throat before using it to push her chin upwards, granting her access to kiss her neck.
"Shall we begin?" Lilith murmured against Zelda's throat.
Bringing her head down, her eyes met Lilith's and she gave her a small nod. Lilith's eyes swept the room and the candles lit on her unspoken command.
Never leaving each other's gaze, Zelda traced her fingertips over the edges of the green robe. She gently slid it down Lilith's shoulders, red nails scratching her wife's arms lightly as it fell.
The air in the room became dense, the flames of the candles steady and bright, shining them the way towards their goal.
Zelda steadily brought Lilith's hand down to rest on her stomach, anticipating what's to come. She could see in her eyes how impatient Lilith was, how nervous and excited and it warmed her heart. Never would she have thought to have a partner who wanted all this with her and not for themselves or for family status.
Lilith was thoughtful and gentle, palpating her lower abdomen. She was careful with the oil, spreading it on the little pouch Lilith adored so much as if trying to imagine what it would look like, feel like, a few months from now.
She had this innocent glow in her eyes — it made Zelda want to kiss her even more.
Lilith's hand crept from Zelda's stomach and down to her thighs, parting them as she kneaded the warm skin there. "Are you ready?"
Sinking lower to the warmth between Zelda's legs, she could feel the damp lace, confirming that what she was saying was true. Finding her sensitive bud, she began massaging firmly before adding her fingers into the mix, delighting in the sounds escaping her lover's mouth.
Removing her hands, she lowered both of them down onto their knees, mouth searching for Zelda's goose-pimpled chest where her tongue traced the valley of her breasts. Then she let her mouth move up to her neck, chin and to arrive on the crimson lips. Zelda's tongue immediately gained entry to her mouth, kissing her sensuously, hands roaming her hips.
Breaking from the kiss, Zelda moved her hands over her wife's nipples to her shoulders. Being careful with the left side, she pushed Lilith back before crawling between her legs and planting a firm kiss on her open mouth. Moving down Lilith's lithe body, she peppered kisses from sternum to thighs, opening them as she moved down.
Lilith looked at Zelda with hungry eyes burning into her lover's. Just as she thought she knew what would happen next, Zelda simply rose from her spot and left Lilith's legs hanging agape. Confused, Lilith stared at her and watched as she moved her copper hair over her shoulder and adopted the same position she'd left her in.
Bringing their legs together – left leg over right hip and right leg over left hip – they slotted together like a puzzle, perfectly made for each other, flesh touching lace. They leant back on their forearms and took a moment to get comfortable.
Gathering her bearings, Lilith began to move using her left hand to knead Zelda's calf, using it for leverage. The opposite arm supported her weight, watching as her Zelda's head fell back, chest beginning to move rapidly.
Angling her hips to her left, Lilith moved her hand up to Zelda's thigh and around, almost to her backside. Their cores snapped closer, and she no longer felt the maroon lingerie between them, but Zelda's bare sex.
They started to move again in slow, deliberate motions; all too smooth. Lilith could never get enough, so she pulled back a bit before using the heel of her foot on the globe of Zelda's ass to bring them together again.
Slowing down their movements, they locked eyes and exchanged nods. Keeping up a languid, sensual rhythm, they began to chant their incantation.
"With one mind we call to thee. With one heart, we long for thee. Child of earth, wind, fire and sea, into our lives we welcome thee."
As they were repeating it, their voices grew louder as their thrusts became more erratic. The candles in the room flickered wildly as Lilith felt her orgasm approaching; skin clammy, heart beating out of her chest.
Zelda could feel her heart pounding as Lilith's movements slowed to thrust firmer, dragging them out in full contact with her sex. Letting out a guttural moan, she let her orgasm wash over her in colourful illumination.
Hearing her name on her wife's lips, Lilith finally gave in to her desire. Her chest rose majestically for the last time and as it fell, her climax came crashing down, shaking her and releasing a gush of arousal.
Moving through the pleasure until the waves slowly ebbed away, Zelda's hands were caressing Lilith's shins and knees, coming up to hold her left hand and rub small circles there as they remained positioned, waiting for something to happen. Zelda had an expectant, longing smile on her lips and Lilith's eyes were hopeful, giving her comfort.
The wait wasn't long, but it felt like forever until an intense pull radiated from Lilith, shooting into Zelda's pelvis. A warmth spread in her womb, leaving a feeling of fullness that assured Zelda it had worked. It was one of the perks of a magical baby that the effect could be felt immediately if the ritual was executed correctly and successfully.
Smiling shakily, she gave a small nudge to Lilith, breathing happily, "Well done, demon daddy," a chuckle following after.
Lilith took in Zelda's flushed face. It might just have been in her imagination, but it looked like her cheeks already had that tell-tale pregnancy glow. It made her heart spark with joy.
"It seems we've just made a baby my dear."
"I think we just might have," Zelda murmured, clambering over to Lilith to be taken in her arms.

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