Chapter 14: La lunatique d'etretat

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Welcome to the final chapter of Whatever the Price. It was an honour to write this story together with @LunaLil and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Have fun. :)


Lavender, lace and all in between, the dried up flowers with dust on leaves.

Vows they've spoken, tears they've shed, now facing hell's depths instead.

Lovers, wives, a Queen and a Priestess, come back together at our behest.

Hijo de la Luna — Karsu, Beste Zangers

Just next to the gold-decorated Yule-tree, Zelda stood at the mantle, turning the protective yule-log one last time. She looked out onto the snowy cemetery, then to the front door before finding Lilith. Feeling her wife's nervous energy in the room, she sneaked a mistletoe from the decorations, crossed the parlour and sat next to her.

Swiftly, she held it over their heads and kissed her wife on the lips as soon as she turned her head to look. She felt Lilith smiling against her mouth and they deepened the kiss, wrapped up in memory of their first kiss as a couple as well as their first kiss as wives.

After they parted, Zelad put her hand over Lilith's on her knee and held it. In return for the sweet gestures, Lilith leaned in close and hummed "'cause there's no nicer witch than you" in her ear, making Zelda blush.

Bringing her head to rest on Zelda's shoulder, she felt more at ease instantly. Zelda simply being close. Her eyes found the burning log, trying to bend the flames to her will. Watching the flame, she tried to curl it around the charred log, red and yellows engulfing it. The flame curved and then erupted outwards and Lilith muttered a string of curses.

A chorus of laughter and coos erupted from the parlour, startling her. Everyone's attention was drawn to the infant in Hilda's lap and the look of wonderment on his small face.

"Say hello to Adam, little Mags." Sabrina danced the doll around in front of the baby — small eyes twinkling and lighting up everytime it passed his gaze. Especially the red thread around its wrist kept his attention, small fists reaching for the application.

"Aw, he loves him. Look at his little face! Nick, Nicholas, look at his face!" Sabrina cooed, getting closer to her son, hand caressing his rosy-red cheeks.

Nick laughed and rolled his eyes, ever amused at his wife's strong reactions to the smallest thing their child did. "I know, Spellman, I saw."

Zelda's cheek rested on top of Lilith's dark curls, her free hand found her wrist and fiddled with it absentmindedly as she breathed deeply and whispered little reassurances to her wife.

"We've done what we can — Brigitte said so. Let us try to enjoy the solstice, darling."

Looking into the shadows of the foyer, Lilith exhaled and Zelda felt a small nod from under her cheek, moving away as she looked into her wife's eyes, silently agreeing to save the conversation for later.

"... So yesterday, I swear he smiled. Like, I swear to Hecate it was a real smile! But Nick over here says im imagining things and it was nothing but wind."

Hilda listened intently and smiled affectionately at her niece, not without a soft chuckle. "Well lamb, they don't smile for a while yet. He's only three weeks old, are you sure it wasn't just gas?"

"Auntie, I was expecting you to be on my side! What about you, Auntie Zee?" she whined, causing her aunt and husband to laugh and Ambrose to roll his eyes.

Her niece's voice forced Zelda's attention from the snow-covered window back into the room, quickly having to pick up the conversation her family had been having.

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