chapter eight - peaceful

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Shout-out to @emelinegeo. Thank you so much for voting and commenting on my story. You really motivated me to write.


Third Person POV

The two remained in that position for a long time and eventually fell asleep. They slept soundly the full night with no nightmares, comforted by the presence of the other, which for them meant safety.

Two parents who had been now sitting and spending time in the adjacent room were curious to know what was going on in the three hours they had been told to stay there to give the two some space. Wrestling with their belief to respect their daughters wishes and their wanting to know what was happening just metres from them, they finally made a decision; as usual it was Kiara whose view they went with.

She had that kind of personality, that anyone who even tried to argue with her failed at their attempt miserably. Kiara argued that they had a right to know what was going on so that they could protect their daughter from any future pain to the best of their ability. If they didn't know what was hurting her, how could they help her?

Anoush couldn't come back with a response because it was true, how could he protect his precious daughter if he didn't know her monsters? He knew her demons from two years ago but in that short space of time where they had been separated, much had changed, she had changed. And to his dismay, embarrassingly, he didn't know her as well now. He wanted to protect and shield her from all dangers, she was his laadli daughter.

With quiet footsteps, they creeped towards the door. They nudged the door open with a gentle push and winced as the it creaked open loudly. Carefully, they poked their heads out and saw the two children, who had never acted their age, curled up on the sofa. It swelled their hearts to see their child like this. For the first time in years, Anoush and Kiara had seen their child sleep peacefully without any nightmares plaguing her. They saw the soft smile on Inej's face as she turned over so her back was facing Kaz and she faced her parents. It had been so long since they had seen their daughter shining so bright. It overjoyed them. Kiara turned to say something to her husband only to see him wiping away a solitary tear that rolled down his cheek. He had always been the more emotional and sentimental one out of the two. But upon seeing his tears and the emotions that were overflowing, she began to silently sob as well. They held each other in an embrace as a comfort, out of joy, out of love, out of khushi [happiness] that their daughter had found someone and found love like they had found each other.


They were there when the two children woke up, still sleepy after their sound slumber. Inej was the first to awake. Blearily, she rubbed her eyes as she sat up, even in a drowsy state, constantly mindful of her contact with Kaz's skin.

"Mama? Papa? Where – "

Quietly walking over to her, they hushed her worries and each gave her a one-armed hug. Kiara whispered, "Shhhhh, its alright, khoshgelam [my beautiful]. We are here. You and Kaz fell asleep. Come, let's go call up for some food; you both must be so hungry after sleeping for so long."

Inej got up from the sofa with her usual grace and elegance. This caused a shift in weight and Kaz, although still asleep, noticed this. He outstretched a hand to where Inej had been previously laying and explored the area, just in case she had slightly moved. "Inej?" he whispered. When his hand couldn't find the warmth of her presence, he shot up, immediately alert. His head whipped around, almost looking through her, "Inej? Inej? INEJ?"

Inej's POV

He whipped his head around everywhere, so quickly she feared it may give him some whiplash, almost looking through her, "Inej? Inej? INEJ?"

Smiling at his concern for her, Inej moved forward, crouched by the sofa and placed a hand on his knee, "Kaz, I'm right here. I haven't left you. I'm still here. Okay?"

As if he had been snapped out of a terrifying daze where she wasn't there, he breathed out, "Yes. I am okay. I know that you are here. You haven't left me. You are in front of me."

She stared in worry at him as he kept repeating that to himself as if that were a mantra. She supposed it helped to ward off the anxiety, giving a feel of continuity and something to distract him as he iterated it over and over again.

Her parents stood awkwardly towards the back of the room and Inej forgot they were even in the room, it was just her and Kaz in the moment, until her papa cleared his throat. Startled, Inej turned to face her father. "Papa?" she asked.

He smiled at her, "What is this meja? I thought that your mother and I taught you some manners as a child, or have you forgotten them in your time in Ketterdam? You still have not introduced this handsome young chap to me?" He gestured towards Kaz.

Kaz swung his legs around so that they were dangling off the sofa and smiled weakly at him, as though he was still reeling from his earlier panic attack. Hiss knuckles were white as he tightly clenched the edge of the seat. Inej moved to give him some space and he got up in stiff movements.

Pleased with her father's efforts, Inej replied with a grin, "Mama, papa, this is Kaz. He runs the Dregs gang and works at the Slat." Looking towards Kaz, she said, "Kaz. This is my mama and papa, the wonderful people who have raised me and made me who I am today."

Again, by habit, her father began to raise his hand for a handshake but immediately stopped partway through the action. Embarrassed, he ran that hand through his hair, not knowing what to do next. "Sorry Kaz. I know that it must have been terrifying for you. In fact, Inej had told me beforehand that you have severe haphephobia. I just—I just—I forgot this at that specific moment, and I caused you all of this unnecessary and avoidable pain. I should have remembered. It was awful of me yet I proceeded to do it once again, out of habit, not because I want to hurt --"

Kaz cut off her father's rambling by placing a hand on his shoulder. In the time that her father had taken apologising, he had moved closer to her parents, evading everyone's attention. So it came a shock to them all when he touched his shoulder lightly. "Mr Ghafa, please, no need to apologise. Most men will not even accept responsibility for events that occur. The fact you are choosing to accept this just proves to me that you are a good person and tells me where Inej gets this trait of hers from."

They all chuckled for a moment and then silence fell, awkwardness loomed over them all; it seemed as though none of them had particularly commendable social skills.

Inej's mother interjected, "Kaz, I don't think that this is an appropriate place to get to know you. Please join us for dinner in a few days time. I will have Inej send a messenger with the details but we will be dining at the BoeurZenti. I do hope that you will be able to come."

Thank you so much for over 200 reads!!

After seeing votes and comments on my story, I was motivated to write this chapter :) I have spent my holidays watching the marvel movies for the first time after some of my friends persuaded me to read them and i am loving the movies so far. <3

I have been so caught up in Christmas celebrations that i have not been able to write at all. :(

And even though this is a shorter chapter, I thought it better to publish it earlier than make you guys wait for an update any longer.

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter :)


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