chapter three - kidnapped

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A/n - i kinda updated chapter one so read that before this so it makes sense.

Warning: this chapter involves some sexist and objectifying dialogue of women. Also includes implication of prostitution and rape.

Kaz had a strong urge to rub his eyes awake. He glanced blearily around and immediately straightened. He'd been kidnapped.

The first thing he thought of was what will i tell Inej, and instantly stopped thinking about her. It was that sort of weaknesses that he'd shown that had caused her misery and trouble.

Taking in every detail of his surroundings was something that came naturally to Kaz. Ever since J---his brother had died because of the Queen's Lady Plague, he had never felt comfortable anywhere. Probably, the only place he could call home in the last few years was the Slat and even that wasn't the most homely place to live. To be honest, nowadays he only felt safe when he was with Inej. Only she could provide him with that safety and comfort he so desperately craved, that he so desperately missed, that he had never found since he had died.

The room around him was mostly bare. Except for a few pitchers on the other side of the room, there was nothing, not even a bed to sleep on. He was currently bound to a stone pillar, with his hands tied behind his back and his feet tied to the column as well. Oh well, at least it was warm inside. That meant that the freezing cold wouldn't affect his leg if it came down to a fight. Kaz tried to feel which weapons the people had taken off of him, if they'd even bothered to do that at all, overconfident as they were.

To no surprise, Kaz discovered that they had missed two of his hidden knives: one hidden in the lining of his well-tailored dark blazer and the other in his shockingly pristine shoes. The idiots had also kept his Fabrikator-made cane in the same room as him with no guard posted on duty. He supressed an eye roll - they really were amateurs.
Which fool would underestimate Kaz Brekker.

Just then, the door to the prison-like room creaked open. A large burly man entered with a psychotic smirk on his face.

From the minute the guy entered, Kaz wanted to punch his face. He just seemed to have one of those faces, you know? But, Kaz couldn't do that, not while he still needed to get to his girl, Inej. Was she even his girl? All these feelings confused Kaz so much. Jesper and Nina were much better at this than he was.

When he opened his mouth to speak, Kaz observed that one of teeth were chipped away at. Tauntingly, he smirked, "We've got your girl. One wrong move and she'll be punished. One of my men already shattered the bones in one of her legs so it will never heal right again. Do you want us to smash the rest of her limbs?"

Kaz growled at the man. Inej. They had Inej. Her fear of having her limbs broken had surfaced after Van Eck had kidnapped her and he wasn't sure that the trauma or nightmares would ever go away. His heartbeat raced in anxiety for Inej. He had to get free as soon as possible. He had to go to her. He had to uphold his promise, that no matter how broken they both were, he would still find a way to be with her. He could not, would not ever break that promise. It would be heartbreaking if he broke her faith in him, if distrust would cloud her eyes every time she saw him.

Upon seeing Kaz's reaction, the man further continued, "Pretty woman she is too. Her Suli hair is as soft as silk and her smooth, brown skin is beautiful. Those alluring lips just invite my men closer. I heard her service at the Menagerie was too short for some of them. I bet they'd love to have a taste of some more. She wouldn't even be able to get away, she been tied up similarly to you. I don't think I'd be able to restrain them if you didn't cooperate with me."

Immediately, Kaz shrunk back, his escape plan going out the window. He would do anything, anything to keep her safe. This is was a very weird feeling for Kaz, usually he was the one talking to a prisoner or traitor, he was rarely the person kidnapped. This emotions thing was also a foreign feeling. It wasn't just Inej, if any of the five, four he mentally corrected, were in trouble, he would go to the ends of the earth to save them. They were like family now.

The man opened his mouth yet again and it took all of Kaz's self control to not beat him bloody. "Listen carefully to what I say, else there'll be consequences for her."

Some parts of this chapter were so painful to write. The part about Kaz's promise to Inej, where he vows he will always come find her however broken he is, got to me every single time I edited the chapter. If you liked the chapter, please vote. And if you have anything you want to say, just comment.


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