chapter nine - cufflinks

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Sorry for taking so long to update :(

But I'm back and hopefully it won't take as long next time (no promises though)

Thank you so much for 300 reads. Love you all. You guys make my day when I see new reads, votes or comments. Its amazing and I can't express enough how happy I am to see that people actually enjoy my work.

Follow me on my instagram: saachiherondalexx



Each button Kaz fastened on his shirt, piled on anxiety to the ever-growing mountain, threatening to collapse, like mounds of snow tumbling in an avalanche

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Each button Kaz fastened on his shirt, piled on anxiety to the ever-growing mountain, threatening to collapse, like mounds of snow tumbling in an avalanche. From his extensive wardrobe, he grabbed a deep-coloured burgundy tie and began to fold and knot it, the way he had been doing for the past few years. Kaz fastened the silver cufflinks on his shirt – the ones that Inej had gifted him. With a faint yet fond smile, he recollected the day she had given him them.


It was his birthday a few years ago and Inej had found out by accident. In actual truth, he didn't like others finding about his birthday. He didn't enjoy others celebrating and throwing parties.

Yet, when she had asked him, simply out of curiosity, she had found out. He didn't know why or how. She was the first to know apart from Jesper. Had it been anyone else, they likely would have been punished and threatened a few times, with the use of his cane, to prevent them from asking any other personal questions.

He preferred keeping the mysteriousness around his persona – it helped feed the fear that others had of him. How could you ever fight a monster if you knew nothing about them?

One day, Inej had been perched in his windowsill. She had just returned from a mission he had sent her on – to find out what was happening at one of the merchant's houses and report back to him as soon as possible.

The guy had been pissing him off over the past few weeks over some business deal, but Kaz still had some suspicions. He felt as though the merchant was embezzling money from many businesses and he intended to find out.

The guy had been acting shifty every single time he had seen Kaz and he would even go as far as to describe the man as Pekka Rollins kind-of-shifty. Just the thought of Pekka Rollins made him want to go off in a murderous rage. But for the sake of Inej, he kept the anger suppressed.

The poor girl, although strong in a mental and emotional sense, still seemed to be quite fragile as if any sudden movement would shatter her into a million tiny pieces.

The day that he had found her at Tante Heleen's pleasure house she had looked so helpless. Her ability to creep up on him had been extremely impressive which had gotten him thinking; perhaps, he could take her on as a silent spy, he had been looking for a spider anyway and just after a brief interaction, he could already tell that she would be perfect for the role.

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