chapter twelve - sweet-toothed bastard

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Omg this bitch finally posted. But side note, AHHHH tysm for 1k reads. ILY ALL <33

How have you all been <3


Inej POV

He delicately placed his hands on her. Inej shook off an internal shudder that rippled through her. She knew that she could trust Kaz. She knew she trusted him with her life and her heart but her natural instinct warned her off any man or any flaunty woman like Tant- . No, she would not think of that woman. Today was about her and Kaz and her parents. She wouldn't focus on her past. She would focus on her present -  it was called that for a reason after all.

Kaz' hot breath tickled in her ear as he whispered to her, 'Lets dance love.' Butterflies danced down below in her stomach; she looked down, her lashes brushing her cheeks, and took a deep breath. She could do this.

The partners around them started dancing and Inej was the first to move. She danced gracefully on her feet while Kaz stomped. She looked up at him and reined in a small laugh although the corner of her lips still twitched.

Expecting to see his typical stoic face, she was rather surprised to see a relaxed smile on his face as he looked at her, entranced.

He was murmuring something under his breath. She strained her ears to hear what he was saying but she only heard some words: "bottle...laugh...drunk."

"Kaz, what did that mean?"

He started, as though he had forgotten Inej could hear him. His eyes were wide open with panic

"What did I say?"

With a single shrug, she said, "you just muttered something really quietly and I heard you say bottle, laugh and drunk." The more she spoke, the more his eyes widened. "Were you just talking about a business deal or something."

Relief flooded his face. "Yes. Yes. That's exactly it. A business deal. Mhmm."

Inej still felt as though there was something going on but she brushed it aside, thinking if it was important Kaz would've told her the truth.

Her parents span around them with great ease. Inej felt as though it was always embarrassing if your parents danced better than you. But, alas, not everyone had the skill of her parents. They truly were one of a kind. Not even she, after having trained for so many years, was able to compete with them.



Entranced, Kaz watched Inej throw back her head and dissolve into laughter at something that he had said. He couldn't even remember what it was to be honest. All that mattered to him at this very point in time was that he wanted to find a way to capture this moment - the exact second when you could see her eyes twinkling in amusement and joy. If he couldn't bottle her laughter, maybe this was the next best thing. Maybe....

The gears in Kaz' head started to whirl in over time. At around 100 miles per hour he would say. Not nearly as fast as he would like but, alas. Perhaps.. he could get Wylan or the Fabrikator who made his cane for him to create something to have a recorded memory. 
Demolitions was close enough  to that sort of invention that it wouldn't hurt to try, right? And Fabrikators, practically created things for a living. He would be no worse off if he tried to contact someone about it.

All of a sudden, Inej grabbed his gloved hand and dragged him out of his thoughts all the way back to the table. He supposed he didn't even mind, if it was someone else his cane would have accidentally tripped them over already but he was prepared to do anything for his girl. Anything.

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