Two <3

3 0 0

Author pov

The light of the sun beamed down onto the girl who lazily sipped her boba that she bought a moment ago. She pushed up her glasses and fixed her fringe back into place when a sudden wind blew it out of place before.

Pulling out her phone she typed in her password and scrolled through instagram. Liking some off her cousins photos that now live abroad in America because of their jobs.

Not looking where she was going she bumped into someone's chest. About to apologise to them she froze when she realised who it was. Bowing down repeatedly she kept muttering "Im so sorry!"

The man chuckled "Its okay Jangmi...i barely see you in school anymore huh?" He asked while scratching his neck awkwardly.

She stopped her frantic apologies and looked down at her feet "Yeah..." She mumbled. Nervously she twirled her shirt around her finger. She vowed not to come into contact with them again.

Noticing her nervous state he tapped her shoulder gently and her eyes snapped up to face his. He smiled brightly when he was able to see her face properly
"You don't have to worry I'm not hurt" He said while waving his hands about.

She nodded her head slowly "Um well i have to get to work so...I'll see you at school right?" He asked while slinging his bag back on his back.

"Yeah..I'll see you soon Jungkook-ah" Bowing again she smiled at him before quickly walking away. Jungkook looked at the girls retreating figure with a smile. "Cute" he whispered with a blush before continuing his way to work.

"I should of asked where suga is!" Jangmi mumbled while slapping her forehead. "Stupid!" Kicking the bin she immediately held her foot in pain. Jumping around like an easter bunny she owed at the pain in her foot.

"Are you okay?" A woman asked while holding onto her dogs leash tighter when the dog was going to run off. Jangmi bowed with an awkward smile "Im fine thank you!"

The woman chuckled " should get going home sweetie it's going to get dark very soon" the lady said with a motherly smile. Jangmi felt a stab of pain to her heart...she hasn't seen that look from her mother in 2 years but it feels like an eternity.

Jangmi nodded her head slowly. Bowing down again to the woman Jangmi said "Thank you miss! I'll get going now" Bowing again Jangmi ran- wobbled back home.


Someone slapped the back of Jangmis head making her hold her head and glare at the person. Scoffing when she saw who it was.

"Yoongi" She mumbled coldly

Yoongi held his hands up in mock surrender "Baby sis! How ya doin!?" He asked while lazily slinging his arm around her shoulders.

The strong smell of alcohol oozed off her brother's breath and clothes. Gagging slightly she pushed her brother away from her. Holding her nose she glared at him "Your drunk!?"

He gave her a crooked grin "What!! Nooooo!" Yoongi's eyes we're slowly closing making him sway his arms about like a crazy man. "I can't see! Am I going blind!!?" He said um no more like screamed while Clawing at his face frantically.

Rolling her eyes she continued her journey to her house. She went out for some alone time but her time was cut short because her troublesome mother was found in the early morning laying unconscious near a club.

Rubbing her temples she groaned when she felt her brother crush her with his weight. Holding onto his body tightly so he didn't fall she dragged him home with her.

she could already hear her mothers shouts from where she stood just one more  turn and she would be face to face with her house that never felt like a home... 'A home what on gods green earth is that?' Jangmi mumbled to herself while punching her brother's side when he kept touching her face.


"Jangmi-ah I'm sorry but please I can't deal with her anymore I'll be back before dinner!" Her father said while rushing out the front door.

Screaming out in frustration Jangmi throws the money her father gave her on the floor. Huffing angrily Jangmi ignoring her crying mother and passed out yoongi in the living room, ran up the stairs to her baby brother.

Closing the door with a loud thud she sent a small smile towards her sibling. Picking him up she pecked his chubby cheek. "Lets go eat something" She said while walking back down the stairs.


Yoongi held onto his aching head a few curse words slipping past his lips. Fluttering his eyes open he looked around and frowned when he saw he was at his house.

Getting up he grabbed his jacket and lazily walked to the front door about to leave until-

"Leaving already?"

Turning to the voice of his sister he smirked when he saw her leaned against the door frame with a annoyed look.

Walking up to her he patted her shoulder "Sorry baby sis" He whispered before pecking her forehead and leaving the house.

Jangmi swallowed the tears down. She wouldn't let him see her cry. No. He needs to know now that she's not his 'baby sis' anymore. Not anymore. Not after he left her alone in this prison.

Throwing her slippers at his back she glared at him angrily. "I am not you're baby sis anymore! If you leave now don't come back! Don't bother if your just going to leave! DONT Give me and Soo-ho hope that you'll Finally step up as our BIG BROTHER!" She yelled out to him.

Yoongi didn't turn around-no he couldn't. He couldn't look at the face of heartbreak that would be shown on his sister's face...not again. It would be too hard to leave again..

"I'm sorry. Tell soo-ho i said happy birthday" He said before wiping his tear away quickly. Grabbing his jacket that fell onto the floor he hurriedly walked away.

"MIN YOONGI I HATE YOU!" Jangmi turned away from the door and stomped her way to the kitchen to throw away the hangover soup she made for her brother.


Yoongi couldn't help it. The tears they just wouldn't stop no matter how many times he wiped them away they would just continue pouring out. Like a running tap.

His heart broke with every word his sister shouted at him. 'She hates me' he mumbled repeatedly to himself. Clutching onto his mint green hair he kicked the bin in anger. The pain in his foot was nothing compared to the pain in his heart.

Sitting on the park bench he slouched down and stared at the night sky blankly. The sky reminded him off his baby sis- his um sis- no Jangmi it reminded him of jangmi.

The night sky and the thought of his sister was the last thing he saw and thought before his eyes closed and off to dream land he went.

How's it goin? ;)

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