Nineteen <3

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Author pov

Jangmi and Jungkook laid with each other on the big been bag in one of the many rooms in the BANGTAN mansion. The only sound was Jangmi's soft snores every now and then..Jungkook's long fingers gently played with the ends of her beautiful black hair.

He leaned his head down onto the top of her head inhaling her sweet flowery scent. That's one of the many things he loved about her..the way she smelt like a flower field on a warm sunny day she had this calming affect on him..and he loved it in so many ways possible.

After their kiss Jungkook wouldn't stop kissing her allover he couldn't even last five minutes without even a small and quick peck of her lips. Now that she is his and he his her's he can't help the feeling of excitement! The girl of his dreams is finally after years of admiring from afar is finally his and he is her's.

The smile that broke out onto his face would make any pass buyer's know immediately that doe eyed boy was in love!


Suga woke up first he groaned lowly when he immediately heard Jhope's loud snoring in his ear since the boys head was weighing down his shoulder. Sighing while rubbing his hand across his face he felt the coldness of his rings caress his face.

Sniffing he instantly covered his nose from the fowl smell coming from one of these sleeping boys. Groaning loudly he made a gagging noise walking jin up who opened his eyes slowly but his nose scrunched up at the horrible smell.

Looking over at Suga still in a sleepy daze he yawned before patting Soo-Ho's back to get him back to sleep when he felt the baby stir slightly in his arms.

"Yah you okay?" Jin asked the gagging Suga who held onto his forehead dramatically fanning himself afterwards. Jin had to bite back the smile.

"Yeah yeah get this idiot of me!" Suga said frustration plastered onto his face. Jin nodded before placing Soo-Ho gently onto Namjoon's chest. Namjoon just cuddled Soo-ho into his arms with a small smile.

Jin carful not to wake the rest of the boys walked over to Suga and held onto a snoring Jhope's head with a huff "Go quickly his head is heavy!" Jin whisper shouted.

Suga quickly stood up and moved out of the way. Jin placed Jhope's head onto Jimin's lap with a sigh of relief once the weight was lifted from his hands.

Massaging his hands he shook his head in disbelief
"I need to start heading to the gym more huh?"

"Well if you didn't stop fighting in the boxing wring maybe you'd still be in shape" suga said with an almost devilish smile.

Jin scoffed while flipping him off "Shut up you know i cant my dad would kill me"

Suga nodded in understanding "True..sorry can't relate never listened to mine" shrugging his shoulders Suga said no more before leaving the room typing away on his phone.

Jin stared at the floor blankly..yes his dad did ban him from fighting again but even after Namjoon's outburst with their father it didn't seem to do much since their father sends daily threats about stripping their title from them...Sighing sadly he began to make his way to the kitchen to make himself a coffee, he needed it.

~ time skip next day~

Glancing at his sister's face he squinted his eyes at her..she looked more happy then usual it made her look highly suspicious. Yoongi loved to see his baby sister happy but this early in the morning now that's a very rare sight.

Jangmi placed her phone down onto the table that soft smile still stuck to her face. Yoongi sipped his coffee rather loudly to catch his sister's attention which to his dismay did not happen.

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