Fourteen <3

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Author pov

Jin and Jangmi have been doing amazing! At first they were awkward with each other making everyone get suspicious over their actions but a week after the whole- 'kiss' situation they were good! But they just haven't brought it up...


Jin smiled at the old lady who greeted him at the receptionist desk. "Goodmorning miss" he bowed slightly before signing the paper that he always signed when he went to meet his father in the Hospital.

He bowed again when finished and left the desk. The nurses all bowed in respect when Jin passed while some patients were slightly squealing at how handsome he is.

He rushed into the gold elevator before frantically pushing the upstairs button not wanting to interact with the fan girls.

Taking a deep breath he straightened down his suit before reaching out a shaking hand to knock on the door of his father's office. A small 'come in' was heard so taking that as consent he opened the slightly heavy doors.

There sat his Father with the cold scowl on his face like always. Hundreds of papers were stacked on the table some looked halfway finished...

"Father..good morning" Jin bowed 90 degrees to his father who gave him a lazy hand wave.

"So what is it you're here for?" That voice. That cold as ice voice that always haunted his mind day in and day out. The voice of his Father.

"I came for the paperwork for Namjoons meeting tomorrow since he's busy right now" Jin said while ignoring his slightly shaking knees when his father stood up from his chair and walked towards him.

Nodding understandably his father suddenly stopped in front of him "When you say 'busy' what is he doing right now? That he made you come all the way over here when he could come himself after his business"

Jin gulped down the lump in his throat "H-he didn't tell me"

". Tell. Me."

"F-father- I don't know"

His father stepped closer to his eldest sons shaking body making Jin take a step back "Where is he? Don't tell me he is in that underground fighting ring! If he is I'll kill you both you got that!! I said NO MORE FIGHTING! My reputation will go down in a second! If i see anther article about my sons fighting in that underground boxing ring again! You're titles will be stripped from you completely!" Jin's father glared at his teary eyed son one last time before storming out of the office.

Jin stared at the spot his father stood moments ago in shock..It's always Jin who was getting scolded for something that included all of the boy's no matter what he does his father will continue to look down at him with that same cold stare...

Jin's knees weakened from beneath him causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud and if you listen closely you could hear his heart shatter . The tears leaked from his eyes like a waterfall and no matter how  hard his frantic hands wiped away those tears they would fall over and over again . His father practically stabbed him in his heart over and over again and Jin doesn't think his heart could handle the immense amount of pressure of his father any longer.

Jin in his current state made him feel as if he was in anther world..His focus was all put onto his thoughts of how cruel,manipulative,uncaring his father truly was.


Suga and Jangmi put the last dish away and back onto the shelves beside the window. The soft tune of the previous song came to a slow end making Jangmi groan in annoyance when a song she didn't particularly enjoy came on next.

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