Twelve <3

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Author pov


Jin stirred the soup around in the large pot while humming to the song that was being played over the radio. When the chorus came on he was about to bolt out the lyrics but the sound of screaming was heard interrupting his solo-

Turning the heat down on the Gas he quickly sprinted out of the large kitchen and down the hallway to the sound of screaming.

He stared wide eyed at the scene in front of him-



The loud shout that escaped Suga's mouth made the other's that weren't already in the room immediately sprint towards the front room.

Once all the boys we're in the room they all stared wide eyed at the scene with their mouths hung agape in pure shock.

Tae was about to sprint forward to get Jangmi away from her mother's clutch, but the knife that the Min siblings insane mother was holding pressed against Jangmi's neck even harder making Jangmi let out a pained sob.

Tae's steps stopped immediately. Jin held tae  back while shaking his head slowly. Tae  glared at the lady with pure hatred. His heart hurt so much seeing Jangmi in danger and no one could do anything or else- Jangmi would be killed at the hands of her Mother.

Namjoon stepped forward with his hands held up in surrender "we can discuss things without violence so please let Jangmi go" he said the last part more loudly.

The women who held a crazed look frantically shook her head "No they've been bad! They need to be taught a lesson!! BAD CHILDREN NEED PUNISHMENTS!!" She said while giggling in a child like way making the boys all freeze-

"She's-she's crazy" Jimin whispered while his hands shook at his side. Jhope noticed that his little 'brother' was distressed so he held his hand tightly. Jimin closed his eyes and inhaled air threw his nose to calm his rapidly beating heart. He couldn't imagine how a mother could do such a thing-

Suga shook with anger at his mother who somehow broke into the house and before Suga could react she had his sister in a tight hold-

"LET HER GO! I'm not going to ask again!!" Suga reached forward to snatch Jangmi back, but Jin with his free hand quickly reached out to the raging boy who thrashed in his hold- make that two boys who frantically thrashed in his hold trying to get out and help Jangmi.

"Suga,Tae calm yourselves you're anger isn't helping anyone right now" He said in deathly tone making them freeze and stand still understanding that Jin was speaking facts.

Namjoon sighed while shaking his head disappointingly before speaking up "Get her"

The doors we're kicked open and people with police uniforms came running in with guns pointed towards the crazy women. She was completely surrounded.

"PUT THE WEPON DOWN OR ELSE WE WILL NOT HESITATE TO SHOOT!" The man at the front said while pointing his gun higher to the woman.

The weapon was suddenly threw across the room. As the sharp knife skidded across the marble floor Namjoons boot  landed on top of it. He smirked in victory at the shock plastered on the Min siblings mother face.

Jangmi held her mother's throat once she was able to break her mother's death grip and kick the weapon away jangmi  strangled the woman and not to her surprise she didn't feel an ounce of guilt for her . Jangmi's eyes pooled up with tears which made her want to scoff at herself. Her hands shook violently against her mother's throat but she didn't back down not after everything She did them!.

The police officer noticing the woman was turning blue by the hands of Jangmi he quickly grabbed Jangmi off of the woman . He signalled his men to cuff the woman and in no time she was being dragged out of the house. Professionally the two police officers ignored her frantic screaming of protest.

Jangmi turned to her brother who gave her a sad look. His eyes also watered with tears she ran to her brother's awaiting arms in which she broke down in- the amount of pain was excruciating..Just how could her mother that she one day looked up to with so much love and adoration turn into the monster she is now.

she not only tried once but twice to kill her kids- Jangmi's head hurt while thinking about it so she continued on focusing on her brother who held her shaking body close to his.

Namjoon thanked the officer before closing the door that was slightly damaged at how they kicked it open but with his money he could get a new one in a matter of seconds.

He turned to see a proud smirk on Jungkook's face making him chuckle before high-fiving him. "Well done Jungkook thank you for trusting me" He gave him a pat on the back before leaving the room.

Jin followed after Namjoon, he stopped Namjoon before he could completely leave the very large front room. "What are you and Jungkook on about? Did you perhaps know this would happen or-." Jin words came to a  halt when Namjoon held a hand to his broad shoulders.

"Should we the office?" Namjoon asked with a small head tilt. Jin nodded in agreement.


Namjoon sat on the edge of his desk while sipping his champagne cooly. Jin rolled his eyes before slouching down into his seat. "Get on with explanation Namjoon-ah"

Namjoon placed his champagne down onto his desk "Sorry Hyung- yes you're correct i did know it would happen..I found out when I visited Father's hospital i went for a meeting, but after the meeting i went to the toilet but as i was washing my hands i heard someone in the stall talking on the phone but I didn't pay any mind to him but then i heard Jangmi's name- he was saying how he found out where Suga kept them and that she should hold Jangmi hostage and then when we ask for her back he instructed her to tell us to give her 50 grand in cash and then she would give Jangmi back- knowing this i went home and made a plan..."

Jin sat up in his seat and leaned forward more interested in finding out his plan "So what was the plan!?"

Namjoon chuckled at Jin's face "I got the first person that passed by my office and that so happened to be Jungkook. I told him about what would happen and of course he was trying to warn Jangmi about it but i told him that i have a plan. Since Jangmi's mother doesn't know how many people there are in the house she wouldn't notice if one of us we're missing so i told him to stay in the office with Soo-Ho and when he heard me say "please let Jangmi go" he would immediately call the police and tell them what was going on. I also set up cameras in the room so we have enough evidence that she committed a crime." Namjoon held his champagne glass to his lips and sighed in content at the rich taste Totally unfazed.

Jin's mouth was hung agape in shock at his little brothers smart plan. Standing up he patted Namjoons back "Well done! I always knew you we're the smartest between us all! Father will be so proud!!" Jin congratulated.

Namjoon grinned happily "Thanks hyung"


Suga placed a soft kiss on Soo-Ho's forehead then Jangmi's. He looked them over once more before leaving the two sleeping siblings.

He closed their door but left it open ever so  slightly. Turning around he Jumped while holding onto his racing heart "What are you doing!?" Suga whisper screamed.

Jungkook held a hand to the back of his head awkwardly smiling "Uh I just wanted to say Goodnight but it seems she's already asleep"

Suga nodded "Yeah she is, now you should be too so get to bed now" He watched closely as Jungkook waved goodbye before hurriedly leaving.

Wow~ what a chapter

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