Six <3

2 0 0

Jangmi's pov

The day seemed to drag on longer then expected. I glanced at the clock on the wall and it painfully read 2:05. I groaned loudly and my head landed on my desk with a thud.

I could practically feel the eyes of my classmates staring at me. The teachers foot steps could be heard walking to my desk but I could care less. I knew since day one this woman hated me with a burning passion for some odd reason. So i knew that she was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement that she finally had an excuse of punishing me.

I rolled my eyes when i heard her the similar sound of her metal ruler hitting wood . I pushed my head up from off my desk and stared at her blankly.

"Min Jangmi! Who are you to disturb my lesson!?" The woman asked while pointing her ruler in my face. I had to sit on my hands from stopping my fist going into her old wrinkled face.

Obviously the question was rhetorical i knew that but would i still answer her back? Yes yes I would.


"I'm a bored student and having to listen to your boring voice makes me want to actually jump out of that window" Jangmi sighed when she saw the teachers mouth hang open in shock. "Miss, you should probably close your mouth flies are coming out of it" Jangmi smirked in victory when the whole class started to burst out in laughter.

She knew by saying that she was practically digging her own grave but it's the last lesson and when that clock hits 3:00 she wouldn't have to see her teachers wrinkled old face again because Min Jangmi is finally dropping out!. She can't do it anymore it's too overwhelming and she needs to be there for her brother since her father is finally going back to work.

The teacher slammed the ruler down onto the desk making the students shut up immediately scared of what she would do. The students always knew it was an empty threat when teachers do scary stuff like that or if their friends say 'I'll kill you!' But with this teacher- her threats are quite realistic- making all the children wary of her.

The teachers eyes burned with hatred towards the smirking girl. "HOW DARE YOU! DISRESPECTFUL BRAT I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON!" The teacher swung her hand back and Jangmi awaited the harsh slap to her face but it never came instead a gasp was heard from everyone around them.

Jangmi's eyes opened slowly and she gaped at the sight of Jungkook holding onto the teachers wrist with an angered look.

"That's not allowed anymore! How could you try and lay your hands on a student! My father will here about this!" Jungkook said with venom laced in his voice.

The teacher apologies frantically scared of the possibility of loosing her job. Jungkook's father was the man who owned this school and with Jungkook being the only child made his father spoil Jungkook with everything so with the snap of Jungkooks hand she would be fired immediately. The students made all sorts of noises making the once quite classroom a loud mess. Kinda like a zoo?.

Jangmi looked up at Jungkook with wide eyes. Jungkook ignored the begging teacher and glanced down at Jangmi who was already looking at him. His cheeks flushed pink when he saw her unbuttoned shirt revealing her cleavage- IT'S THE ANGLE SHES SAT AT OKAY!!?

He held onto her hand and pulled her up from her seat making a soft gasp leave her mouth. The class watched with shocked faces and mouths hung agape. The bad boy Jeon Jungkook just stood up for Min Jangmi the ice princess!!?

Jungkook glared at the teacher who was shaking in her boots. She immediately moved to the side and hung her head down.

Jungkook pulled Jangmi's hand softly not wanting to hurt her and they walked out of the classroom hand in hand.


Once outside of the school gates Jangmi pulled her hand back just now realising he was still holding her hand.


Her shout made the bunny boy jump while holding onto his racing heart. He turned around slowly to meet eye to eye with the raging girl who he swore was quite and calm a second ago!.


He gulped nervously when she walked forward to him . She flicked his forehead causing him to flinch. Jangmi chuckled dryly "For a guy who beats men twice his size, ya sure do act like a puss-." she was cut off when she felt a hand slap the back of her head.

She was about to slap the person who hit her until she saw a smiling Tae. She put her hand down hesitantly and glared at the boy instead "YAH! Can't you see i was doing something! How could you hit me!? We aren't even that close! What am i huh? a friend or something? Aren't i older!!? You little-." Her angry rant was cut off when anther slap was placed on her head again!.

She turned around and she faced anther smiling boy-


He held a finger to her mouth stopping her from her angry rant. She rolled her eyes in annoyance when she saw the rest of the Bangtan boys walk up to them.

Jimin let go of her lips and linked arms with her instead and soon Jhope linked onto her other arm happily. She let curse words slip from her mouth.

Jin inhaled sharply "Jangmi-ah! Language! What are you a pirate!?" He scolded . She ignored him and her eyes narrowed when her brother stood there holding Soo-Ho.

She went to step forward until Jhope and Jimin held her back. "Get your hands off of him! Dont touch him!" Jangmi was practically shaking with anger. How dare he touch her brother even after she warned him. She wanted to kick him in the face but Soo-Ho was there and she didn't want Soo-Ho witnessing his sister kill his brother.

Yoongi cleared his throat about to great her verbally but he was cut off when his sister shouted at him "Didn't i tell you already to get lost!!?" She looked around "didn't i tell that to all of you!?"

She shook her hands from out of Jhope's and Jimin's grip and grabbed her bag from Jungkooks clutch. She walked to Suga and grabbed Soo-ho back. She couldn't help but smile softly when Soo-Ho grabbed onto her hair. He loves her hair for some reason but Jangmi never minded. She'd do anything for that kid anyway.

She turned to the boys and her eyes sharpened instantly "Whatever your planning . stop it!" She gave them all one more death glare and stomped off with her brother.

They all stood still in shock and embarrassment . Yoongi glared at Namjoon "Your great plan worked huh!?" He stomped away from them with a scoff.

Tae sighed "Sister like brother" He suddenly said in English (All the words they speak are in Korean)

They all deadpanned at Tae. "Congratulations?" Jhope said while patting Tae's back in a very weak American accent . Jungkook sighed while clutching onto his temples "It's Thank you!" He shouted  in broken English.

Jin slapped Jungkooks back "All of you shut up!" He shouted at them in Korean. Jungkook held his aching back and pouted at Jin who ignored him.

They all stayed silent. Namjoon glanced at the boys
"Its father like son and you don't have to reply to that" he said fluently in English.

They all oohed in understanding. He shook his head before walking to the car. The rest followed after goofing about.

Silly boys~

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