Seven <3

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Author pov

The house was silent not a single creek from the old house floors. Not even the birds tweeting could be heard from outside the Min household. That was until the vibration from Jangmi's phone started beeping making her jump awake. Turning it off she cursed when she realised today was the day that the plan would finally happen.

She threw her covers aside that didn't do much to keep the cold from nipping at her skin in the night.

Her first instinct was to check on her brother who to her relief was still sleeping and not harmed. She picked him up gently caressing his hair when he stirred in her arms. She placed a loving kiss to his forehead before placing him securely in her arms.

She grabbed her knife from the table and she grabbed her bag full of Soo-Ho's stuff. She cautiously tiptoes to the stairs and once there she took a look behind her to make sure her parents weren't aware of what she was going to do.

She sighed in relief when she saw no one but that cursed family photo. She walked down the stairs hurriedly and once reaching the front door she felt her heart start to pump loudly in her chest. Her hands we're shaking so much she was afraid she would drop her brother. Her mind was racing with millions of thoughts she was debating if she should turn back and forget about her plan but then she remembered that Soo-Ho needed a better life than this!.

She cursed at herself before opening the door letting the cold night air bite at her face. She winced when she realised how cold it was but her worry wasn't for herself but her brother who laid sound asleep  in her arms.

She lifted up the plant pot that held a dead plant inside. Lifting it up she grinned when she saw the car key was there. Her plan is working. Grabbing it she sped walked to the garage. Opening the rusty door of the garage she quickly slid into the car and placed her brother in a very worn out car seat. Covering him with all the blankets she could find.

Turning back to the front she put the keys in and twisted them. It roared to life. Jangmi's eyes widened when she realised her parents bedroom is just there.

Not waiting a second longer she sped away from that hellhole she used to call home. 'If Suga can do it so can i' she mumbled to herself while driving the car.


She parked somewhere that was pretty excluded. Turning to the back seat her brother who was still sleeping but his mouth let out small snore's making her smile. Chuckling she turned back to the front and looked down at her phone the time was 5:09 Am.
Since it was still winter-ish the sun wouldn't be up until a while.

She sighed loudly while placing her throbbing head into the palm of her hands. Only now did it seem to dawn on the girl what she's done. She ran away from her house with her brother! Who may i add is a baby!. There is no way her parents will allow her to keep Soo-Ho but- no she can't think of any excuses. Even though her parents don't look after Soo-Ho or her they still for weird reasons she doesn't know want to keep custody of them.

Not wanting to think about it anymore than she already has, she pushed a button at the side of her chair and it automatically went back. She laid down and she had a perfect sight of her brother. Holding his hand she smiled softly when he grabbed onto her pinky.

The two min siblings went to sleep but little did they know the drama they would cause.


Min Yoongi was awoken when the loud ring of the phone. He wiped the sleep away from his eyes and lazily walked to the phone that he threw onto the couch in his big bedroom.

Picking it up it just read unknown so he hesitantly answered.

On call with unknown


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