People of Ert

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The Warring Nations


The land where the Elves dwell. They have a cult-like devotion to the god their nation is named for and believe it is their purpose to eliminate all lesser creatures. They are ruled by the interpreter of Elsinct's will, called the sha, and his council. 

SHA ORION, leader of Elsinct and interpreter of its god, a boy of sixteen

-His council

 -AMARANTHA, an ancient witch who wields a mysterious dark power

 -KRYSTAL, a young witch of seventeen

 -LORD COMMANDER STEEL, well regarded warrior and commander of the armies of Elsinct

 -ROBIN, master of funds

 -FLORA, guardian of the northern border

 -FORD, guardian of the southern border

-Repenting sinners serving the sha

 -DAISY, caught in bed with another girl many years past

 -SIERRA, the daughter of a previous councilman's whore

 -AMBER, caught preaching atheism

 -CYPRESS, strong and reckless with many crimes to her name

 -SAGE, caught thieving

 -CLOVER, accused of kinslaying and illegal magic practices


The land of humankind, where the blood of Richard the Conqueror still rules. The claim of descent from this legendary hero has driven them to the belief that they are destined to rule over all from their seat in Esson. 

KING WILLIAM III, the sixty seventh king of Sacreon

-his wife {CELIA}, died in childbirth

-Their children

 -PRINCE ANGUS KINGSON, heir to Sacreon and learned swordsman

 -PRINCESS AURORA, fifteen, sometimes mocked as QUEENSLAYER

  -her handmaidens VANESSA and AMELIA

-his elder sister {EVA OF SACREON}, slain by pirates

-his small council

 -LORD RICHARD KINGSON VII, brother of the king and lord of the east

 -HENRY SMYTH, brother of the deceased queen, heir to the city of Windon, master of coin

 -LORD STANLEY SAILSMAN, lord of Seasport and master of trade

 -SER JON, lord commander of Sacreon's armies

-his castle guard

 -SER GREGORY, their commander, regarded to be the greatest swordsman in Sacreon

 -SER ROBERT, a seasoned warrior well past his prime

 -SER ARTHUR, a man of honor, said to have king's blood in him


 -SER THOMAS, archer, born to outlaws

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