Jade Ⅲ

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We were a day out from the Lonely Isle by the time I could walk unassisted again. Captain Ahryn and Christopher James wasted no time in putting me to work the moment I walked on deck. They showed me the best ways to tie knots, secure sails, and, when we arrived, to secure a ship to port. It was strange how my people of Merian could spend our entire lives in the ocean, living beneath its waves, yet we knew nothing of the ways of ships and what sailed our surfaces.

The Lonely Isle was small, sparsely populated, and... lonely. As is to be expected, I remarked to myself. It was large, but Captain Ahryn told me that the town we docked at was the only one on the whole Island. Everywhere else was only forest which yielded wood for ships and food to be eaten and sold. They also apparently produced rum, which seemed to be the object of desire for most of the crew.

"We'll spend the day 'ere," Captain Ahryn announced to the crew. "Restock my ship, get us all the food and alcohol we might be needin' te get us te Seasport, and enjoy yerselves. We'll be out by sunset."

A chorus of cheers came from the crew as they all left the ship one by one. Some paired off in couples, some went in groups, and a few even went off alone. Lyssa stayed behind with me, though, seemingly to make sure I was alright. Captain Ahryn and Christopher James also stayed.

"How can I be of assistance, captain?" I asked.

"Ye should go out an' enjoy yerself, leave the resuplyin' te the crew and I."

"I want to help," I insisted.

Captain Ahryn sighed, but it was not her who responded. "Ye can come with me," Christopher James volunteered. "So long as cap'n allows it."

"Aye, go," the captain nodded. "Lyssa, find what ye need."

"Aye cap'n."

"The both o' ye know where I'll be. Go," Captain Ahryn dismissed us with a wave of her hand.

There were many ships in the port today. I counted at least twenty as we traveled into the city. None I saw flew the standards of any of the warring nations of Ert. This is a pirate port, I noted. I'll find no law here. I could gain allies for Merian if I play my cards right. It was too risky, though. Best to wait until after we had made our return in full.

The rest of the town, which didn't have or need a name, was much the same. Most of the people were sailors. Pirates, privateers, merchants, and every other sort of seaman were everywhere. There were humans, elves, dwarfs, and vir all coexisting. The war seems completely nonexistent, I noticed. I should hope it never comes to this island.

Eventually, Christopher James stopped before a building and led me inside. We entered a small room that seemed poorly built and managed, though the building had seemed much bigger from outside. Must be a back room or something, I guessed. A crooked old man was sleeping behind a counter. The first mate wasted no time in shaking him awake.

"Wha...?" the old man had pale wrinkled skin, and his hair was nothing but wisps.

"Ye got rum?" Christopher James smiled.

"Course I got rum, who ye think yer askin'?" the old man grumbled.

"I'll take it."

"How much?"

"All of it," Christopher James seemed confident.

"Ye don't got the money," the old man sounded confident as well.

"I'm buying rum fer Captain Ahryn and 'er crew," Christopher James said.

The old man spat. "I ain't got no rum fer Captain Ahryn or 'er crew," he said.

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