Aurora Ⅶ

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"The prince is gone, the kingdom's lost, the world is falling down

A chaos has descended on our life

But as long as you're here, and safe by my side

I'd rather be your love than his wife

Come Ascenday we will be wed, he's on his way now

Come Ascenday I'll be his lady wife

But we both know I can't love him, it just will never be

I've got my own love of my life"

Vanessa said the words as I played the chords I wrote. Something about her voice just elevated the song. She seemed flawless, even though I could hear that she wasn't as we went on to the chorus.

"My heart is with you always

This love will never cease

If you were gone, I'd be too

Don't leave please

He wants to take me from you and steal me away

But I won't let that happen, no

No, please stay"

I watched Vanessa's face as she belted the next word.


Her face contorted a bit and her mouth opened wide. She closed her eyes tightly as she belted out the song. My song, I thought proudly. I wrote this. Most of it, at least, but the next verse belonged to Vanessa alone.

"He wants to take you from me but he can never win

His proposals aren't worth half a fart

He doesn't want to love you, and you won't love him back

I'm the one who'll always have your heart"

It was a great verse, I thought. Vanessa had blushed deeply when I told her that. Now, though, as she sang, I could feel how proud she was to have written it. The following chorus was sung with a different level of pride. It wasn't that we hated it, but music was loud. If the wrong person heard the explicit mention of our love...

"And when he comes to take you

I'll be there too

His lady's handmaiden

The lover of you

He wants to take you from me, and steal you away

But I won't let that happen, no

I will...

Stay with you forever, to the end of my days

And when we are together, I'll feel very gay

I'll stay with you forever, I'll never go away

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