Y/n Madrigal

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Y/ns POV

Empty bed.
Empty room.
Empty memories.
Empty heart...

"Mama....?" I heard Elena say from my door. I quickly wiped my tears away and gave her a sweet smile.
"Mi Amor, what are you doing up so late? I tucked you into your bed and hour ago you should be asleep." I say opening my arms for her to run into them.

"Dolores woke me up and said you where crying again.... I couldn't sleep knowing you where sad..." she gave me the biggest doe eyes melting my heart.
"Oh mija... you didn't have too..." I say pushing a few of her dark curls out of her face as she continued to stare.

"Your crying over Papa again..." she said quietly, grabbing my night blouse as she buried her head in my chest.
I stayed quiet but gave a little nod, playing with her curls.
"I'm just a little sad, he left around this time..." I say kissing her head.

"I know mama... it's almost Antonio's ceremony right...? Is that when Papa left us...? Or was it because of me."
She whispered that last part but it was barely auditable. My heart hurt at the little ones confession, I hugged her tighter as I rubbed her back.

"I don't know why your Papa left me.... I don't know why he left us..." I grabbed her attention by lifting her head gently with my head.
"But I know your Papa loved you more than life itself. He cared about you even before you where born, always making sure you where safe in my belly. He always went above and beyond to keep us safe, don't ever think he left because of you."

I felt her shake a little in my arms tears staining my shirt and she cried. Now we where both crying a little, but I heard a bang on the wall that caught both of our attention.
"Well have to tell Casita to check on that, something probably broke something."
I laughed wiping her tears away, tickling her stomach a little.

Her laugher filled the air and we continued to stay in each other's arms.
I let out a relaxed sigh and she hugged me back wiping my own tears away with her hands.
"How about you and me have a slumber party" I say teasingly.

"Mama!!" She groaned "I'm 10 years old not a baby, I don't need to stay in your room anymore!!" She said as I simply rolled my eyes and pulled her into a closer hug.
"Awww you'll always be my baby to me!" I cried out as I continued to kiss her cheek over and over again as she struggled to escape from my grasp.

"Ok then Miss.adult, I'll walk you back to your room." I say as I let her go, she gave a sad face at first but then acted brave.
I made my way slowly to the door smirking before I heard a quiet "wait" from her.
I turned around playing dumb as she avoided eyecontact.
"Fine, we can have a sleepover.... your beds bigger anyway" She says as she crawled into the bed.

"Aawww my baby" I say sarcasticly as I tucked her in kissing her forhead before making my way to my side of the bed to rest.
"Goodnight mama..." I hear her say before snores fill the room a little. I suppressed the urge to laugh.
"Goodnight amor, sweet dreams" I say before drifting off to a dreamless night aswell.


I heard a loud knock on my door and some humming. Mirabelle.
I sat up and looked over to Elena still fast asleep, poor girl didn't have as much sleep last night as she usually does. I know her power takes its toll on her.

I got up as Casita moved the floor for my slippers to be at my feet. I slipped them on and lazily got up dragging my feet a little as I shuffled to the bathroom attached to my room.
When I moved into Casita when I was closer to my late 20s I lived with Bruno in his room... but with him gone Casita was nice enough to expand to make a nice bedroom for me to sleep in.

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