Daddy-daughter Date!

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Brunos POV

I was a nervous wreck, I could feel the towns eyes not only on me but Elena. I kept looking over at my child while she kept her head up while ignoring the stares from certain people. She was so much braver then I was and honestly I was a little intimated by her confidence.

"...Bruno... do you think we could get Tres leches cakes from that shop. Mama usually doesn't let me go there because it would ruin my dinner but she's not here right now." She said grinning up at me. If felt a little forced but I was happy she at least tried to start a conversation.

"Oh! Of course, mija! Have as much as you want, I won't tell your mama I promise." I say standing up straighter holding up my hand to form a promise. She giggled a little and ran to the stand, getting a slice from the stand and waiting for me to pay. I laughed at her eagerness to a simple cake and paid for two slices, one for her and me.

We walked around town, mostly in quiet as we looked around at the scenery. It wasn't until we made it to a small path towards the end of the town road where I began to walk infront of her. She stopped and looked at me a little nervous before I held my hand out for her.
"Comn, I promise it will be fun" I say smiling before she hesitantly grabbed my hand walking along side me.

"Promises are just empty words... you need to prove it." She says looking around at the tall brush and vegetation all around.
"God, you may have my looks but you are just as strong and brave as your Mama." I say in adoration as the small girl next to me, her hands where barely the size of mine but I could only imagine how she would have felt in my arms as a baby.

I helped her up a few taller rocks before eventually leading to an empty field covered in flowers and tall trees. She let go of my hand gently and looked around in aw.
"I've never been here before..." she whispered looking at the vast land that was untouched by humans yet.

"Me and your mama met her almost every night when I worked up the guts to talk to her. We always danced right where you are standing." I say pointing at the ground she was on, it was much flatter than the rest of the land making a perfect dance floor. She sat in that peice of land and stared out into the vast emptiness.

"May I have this seat?" I ask as I point to the ground next to her. She looked at me before nodding gently, making a little space for me as we watched the birds and butterfly come and go.
"I'm sorry... I was pretty rude to you when we first met... I know I could have done better." Says playing with her fingers gently and avoiding eyecontact.

This made me smile brightly, I got on my knees and faced her as we stared at each other. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. Hello Elena, I'm your Papa Bruno. When you where in your Mama's belly, and even now while you grow up you where my pride and joy." I say as she shook my hand.

"And I am truly sorry I couldn't be near you while you grew, but in all my life of being the burden of bad luck... YOU where the thing I was most proud of, you where my good luck." I say as frowned a little.
"You know... your not as bad as I thought. And it's nice to finally meet you, Bruno. Give me a little time to get used to the whole "papa" thing, it's still new to me." She laughed as we stopped shaking hands.

I pulled out my Tres leches cake and offered half to her as we ate staring and pointing out weird shaped clouds and catching up on our pasts. Hours flew like seconds, laughter and conversations echoed through the mountain and I couldn't help the smile forming on my lips.

This. This is what I want, the father I want to be.

She pointed out the setting sun and I helped her up, mentioning we should get home before Y/n murdered me.
On our way back she kept insisting she was dying and her legs where numb dramatically making me carry her on my back.
"You know, you should be am actor in one of my shows" I say laughing while she gasped.
"You have little shows too??" She said shaking my back, almost making her fall off my back.

"I do it all the time with my stuffed toys!! My most recent one was about a princess running from her town and fighting a wizard that cursed her father." She said acting out the scenes with her hands, occasionally making sound effects as we both got invested. I added to the story while she continued. We got strange stares and smiles from the town as we headed home, story now getting deep with lore and everything.

"What if the princess takes the curse for herself?! Like a sacrifice!" Elena yells out dramatically stabbing herself and falling limp on my back as I gasped. "No!! There has to be a happy ending, or else it would be sad!" I say and she messed with my hair, it had braids all over it no doubt from her messing with it but I could care less.

"Hey did you ever shower while in the walls or did you just use rat spit?" She asks making me embarrassed at the question as we walked up to the house. "Do you really think I went 10 years without showering! I snuck to the river or into the bathroom with the help of Casita" I say placing her off my back as we entered the quiet Casita. It was pretty late so most people where asleep already.

She shrugged "I don't know maybe you didnt!" She said putting her hands up in defense making me laugh quietly. She began to walk up the stairs before stopping and running into my arms.
"Thank you... for today. I still don't forgive you, but today was a good start." She said as she smiled up to me and walked into her room.

I did a small dance of victory as I made my way up the stairs. I stopped infront of Y/ns door and knocked gently before opening it. I saw her figure asleep in her bed making me a little nervous, I tip toed to her before gently shaking her away.
She gave me a tired glare before asking what I was doing.

"Sorry to wake you up... I just wanted to tell you Elena is back home and safe in her bed asleep. I wanted to wish you a goodnight." I whispered as to not wake her fully. She gave a sleepy smile and sat up gently cupping my face and kissing my cheek.
"Thank you, Bruno. I'm not sure how it went but I'm glad you spent all day with her." She said sinking back into her bed and falling back into a sleeping coma.

I smiled at her facial features that where sharper in the moons light. I kissed her head gently as she sighed happily in her sleep, my heart squeezed as I exited the room quietly.

I was in my room, it was different from before. It didn't have a ton of stairs and instead had a nice room with a giant room for reading. I without a doubt was grateful for the room change, seeing as now I had an actually bedroom to sleep in.
I changed into my pajama shorts and took off my shirt and poncho laying on my bed facing the ceiling.

It was only a day and I had already had a wonderful conversation with my daughter. I didn't have to look in the future to see it was bright, all I needed to know was that I was apart of both of their life's now.
I slept peacefully with my happiness that night, dreaming of my future with both of the joys in my life.

Bruno Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now