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Y/ns POV

Dark clouds began to form above the town, shading the area as the group began to shake. Me and Camilo stared at each other before walking into Castia to find Mirabel and Abuela screaming at one another.
I felt Elena walk next to me and grab my hand nervously. I squeezed her hand reassuringly as we watched the argument unfold.

"Bruno didn't care about this family!" Alma yelled. My grip began to tighten and Elena bit her lips nervously, occasionally looking over at me. I without a doubt had an anger look of my face, my eyebrows knitted together as the ground shook more.

"Bruno LOVES this family. I love this family! You're the one who doesn't care!" Mirabel screamed at her, more cracks appeared under our feet making me snap out of my angry trace and focus on my surroundings.


That was it, the snapping point. Everyone grew quiet as the ground finally gave out, a giant crack going up to the candle.
"No no!" I heard Pepa yell. Everyone began to panic as Mirabel ran up to the stairs, asking Casita to help.

I told Camilo to take Elena and everyone else outside while I tried to help Mirabel. The ground was now beginning to push everyone out but I pushed through to reach the ladder Casita had made for Mirabel.
She reached the top but more of the house began to fall apart making it hard for us to reach the candle.

I ran up behind her, tripping a few times and lifting her to reach the top. She grabbed the candle and in one big boom the tower of Castia began to fall on us. I was quick to cover Mirabel and try to stop as much of the falling bricks as possible. Casita had pushed us off the roof and held me cover Mirabel aswell.

It grew deadly quiet as we stared at the dying flame until it went out completely. I heard the faint yell of Juliette in the distance as we both stared at the burnt candle. Casita had given one last wave goodbye before completely disappearing making my heart clench a little.

I fought back my tears as Juliette ran up to me and Mirabel cheaking we where ok. I got up and ran over to Elena who was currently crying a little and holding onto Camilo. She let go of him as soon as she saw me and ran into my arms. I was covered in dust from Casita and everyone was in a state of panic and sadness.

Elena cried into my shirt as I rubbed her back softly. "Shhh.... Mama's here. I'm not going anywhere you're going to be ok. We are going to be ok..." I say as her crying calmed down.


We turned over to see a very frantic Juliette and Augustin yelling for their daughter. I stood up quickly, looking around for the girl but was only met with the sad faces of the other Madrigals.
"Where's Mirabel?!" I called out and Elena began to look aswell.

Abuela was busy staring at the broken home with sad eyes before taking notice of the missing girl. She stood up sadly and ordered everyone to begin looking for her granddaughter immediately. Everyone was still a little in shock and processing but nodded and begin to expand outwards to look for Mirabel.


It's been a day, and still no Mirabel. Elena was sleeping in a towns person's house that had opened their doors for us to stay in till we figured stuff out. She was a sweet old lady we had seen a few days ago when Elena had talked to her passed husband.

The quiet sound of the town and loud cries for Mirabel made my stomach turn at memories. The same exact thing happened when Bruno had left. The thick atmosphere, the cries for them to come home, the lonely empty feeling. It all rushed back as I began to yell for Mirabel more. The family had split up a while ago and some went alone, like me. I needed time to process what was happening and what we where going to do.

Elena couldn't stay in that older lady house forever, we needed a home even if we where alone. Just the two of us.
I messed with my wedding ring while calling out for Mirabel.
"Please come home bru... Mirabel..."


Elena's POV

When I woke up the old lady, Señora Rosie, had made some empanadas. I rubbed my eyes as the dim light from the window blinded me. "Ah goodmorning dear! I made some food, it's almost dinner and you slept in all day!" She laughed as she placed the plate of food on the table next to the guest bed me and Mama slept in last night. She had woken up around 2 am to look with the rest of the adults while some of the kids slept in.

I sat up and began to eat, occasionally looking out the window to see if Mama was coming back soon. I could hear people repeatedly calling out for Mirabel, the town was quiet and almost cold. It had never been this dead before. My mind suddenly shifted back to my powers, they where gone. When I looked around there weren't any corpses or ghosts trying to talk to me or ask me to do stuff for them.

It was quiet. It was peaceful.
I hadn't realized I had finished my food till a clank hit my plate making me snap out of my thoughts.
I grabed my plate and walked over to the sink, washing it off and placing it on a mat to dry complete.

"Your mother said you can go out looking when you finished eating, but you have to be back before 8 and don't leave the town area." Señora Rosie said behind me, cleaning a table and placing a picture of her husband on it along with a bouquet of flowers.

"Actually... I think I'm just going to walk around town. Im sure some people need some help." I say making my way to the front door, slipping on my shoes and fixing my clothes. I wore the same dress I had on yesterday seeing as my room and all of my personal belongings where destroyed. She simply nodded as I walked out of the home, making my way to the destroyed Casita.

When I got there it was completely deserted, everyone had went looking for Mirabel so no one was able to clean. I carefully walked through the sharp pieces of rubble and looked for something, anything.
A few toys, some broken vases, glass, dead plants, a few objects I couldn't see but looked broken, and paper tons of it.

All of it seemed boring or useless until I noticed familiar things from Mama's room. I made my why over to the area and began to dig through it. I found the picture of Mama and 'papa' and I carefully placed it in my bag. It was broken and the picture was ripped a little but I knew Mama loved this picture so I made sure to be careful.

A few more items like clothes and old toys where scattered the I managed to save, even my old doll Mama took when I was too old! A paper that flew infront of me caught my eye. It was pretty old and almost completely torn but held on by a thread. It was something about my first steps Mama must have written when it happened. The bottom was ripped so I could only assume it was from her.

I was drawn from my thoughts when bell's ringing filled the town. "She's back!! She's back!!" I heard people yell making me stand up and run to the front of what was once Casitas front door. I saw a horse come closer and recognized the driver, Mirabel smiled at me making me wave.

Abuela was behind her and some held onto her, someone I couldn't really see but seemed familiar. He had curly hair like my and a small beard, a green poncho dressed his top as we made eyecontact. Mirabel had already gotten off and ran to Tia to hug her while I stared at the man. Suddenly it clicked.

"Papa...?" I whispered a little sour, my eyebrows meeting and my face morphed to one of sadness, disgust, and a little shame.
"Bruno." I corrected myself.

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