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Y/ns POV

No one asked where Mirabel was which made my stomach turn a little, no one seemed to care.
It had been a little over an hour and she still hadn't come out making me pace around nervously.
I tried to go into "his" room to find her but everutime I stood close or tried to reach for it my stomach dropped and screamed at me to run away from the memories this room held.

Apart of me yearned to open the door, revisit the laughter and memories I made.
Before I could act on my thoughts his door flung open revealing a very sweaty and dirty Mirabel covered in sand head to toe.
She was clearly taken aback by me being so close, stumbling a little before taking a breath.

"Did you find it...?" I asked, unaware of the tension building for the answer.
"Yeah... we should go though." She said quickly walking off gesturing me to follow.
We where close to the stairs when she bumped into Abuela. I quickly ran to her side to make sure she was OK to which she simply gesture me to not worry.

"Where are you two coming in a hurry from...?" She said looking up and down and Mirabels dirty outfit and hair. She took notice and tried to clean herself off while laughing awkwardly till we heard stomping up the stairs.

"MY GIFT!!" We heard Luisa yell as she ran up the stairs in a panic.
We all stared as she went on about how she tried not to carry as much but in the end felt overwhelmed and weak when she felt the heaviness of the donkeys she was carrying.
Before anyone could say something she ran to her room crying that she was a loser before slamming it shut.

"What did you say to her." Abuela said sternly to Mirabel, waving me off with an angry look.
I nodded slightly before walking downstairs to help get the dinner ready.
I saw Abuela leave to go meet the Guzmans before Juliette interrupted my thoughts of wonder.

"Are you ok? You seem stressed." She said putting a pot of hot soup on the counter to get ready to serve.
"Oh! Yes sorry, I was just worried about Luisa that's all." I say messing with my fingers while watching Pepa, Felix, and Mirabel walk down the stairs. It looked like they where trying to explain something to Mirabel before Dolores grabbed her and began to whisper in her ear.

"Luisa? Did something happen to her?" Juliette said behind me making me jump a little, she most likely didn't know about her losing her gift so I nodded no.
"She just seems overworked that's all... speaking of work I need to go somewhere..." I say waving off and walking to Mirabel and now Camilo who looked like he was scaring the literal shit out of Mirabel.

"-he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams~" He taunted before I placed a hand on his shoulder making him jump. I didn't need to ask who he was talking about, based on that description Camilo gave it was most likely my husband.
He gave an awkward smile before walking over to the front door.

"Don't listen to camilo..." I say placing a hand on her shoulder.
"What was he like to you?" She asked concerned and still a little nervous.
"...he told me that our lives together would be full of laugher and light." I explain
"He saw our marriage and said that he'd always stay by my side..." I laughed a little at the irony of the last sentence seeing as he wasn't here anymore.

She gave a sad look before we heard Camilo yell behind us to the house and everyone else.
"Isabella your boyfriend is here~" he teased as Mirabel pulled me into her room upstairs and took out pieces of a familiar glowing green I'd seen often.
I messed with my ring and she placed peices together before stepping back in a panic.

I looked over her shoulder and sure enough it was a horrible vision. The house was completely shattered and in the middle of it all Mirabel stood, expression unreadable.
"I never should have brought up Bruno..." she said examining the reading over and over again as if it would change if she thought hard enough.

Before I could say anything Mirabels dad Augustin walked in happily.
"Alrighty Miraboo you got your party pants on because I-" his jaw practically detached from his face as he stared at the glowing green vision behind us both.
Mirabel desperately tried to hide it and play it off while I stood off to the side for them to talk.

In a frantically long sentence Mirabel exposed herself and the vision before looking at me or him for a reaction.
"Papa...?" She said waiting for anything.

He gently pushed her aside before staring at the vision.
"We tell no one." He said stuffing pieces in his pants.
"Abuela wants tonight to be PERFECT. So for now the house is not dying, Luisa gift is not fading, and you are not breaking the house. Everything is fine, no one has to know..."

I sucked in a sharp breath as I made eye contact with Dolores on the other side of the house. She made small squeak of surprise before whispering "I know..." and running off.
We stood there quietly waiting for someone to speak up.
"She's going to tell everyone." Mirabel said while Augustin stood in surprise.

"Mama!!!" I heard Elena yell from downstairs.
I jumped before scouting past a frozen Mirabel and Augustin to head downstairs to my daughter.
"Coming amor!" I say as she walked into the dinning room where everyone was getting set up.

I saw the Guzmans and welcomed them, kissing both of Marianos moms cheeks in greeting and hugging Mariano gently welcoming him to the family.
Abuela gave a proud smile as we four walked into the dinning room.

Mirabel and Augustin sat next to each other while I sat inbetween Mirabel and Isabela. She gave me a smile while I hugged her and wished her good luck, her face turned sorrowful before quickly giving a happy "of course!" To me and sitting down.
Mirabel and Augustin gave off a panicked aura while Elena gave them a questioning look.

She sat inbetween Dolores and Antonio, mostly because Antonio was her favorite.
I took a breath as abuela walked in.
What could go wrong...

I knew that but for the sake of keeping me sane I stayed positive for the time being.

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