⚠️We need to talk.

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Recently I have noticed a lot of comments being angry or shaming characters in this story (y/n, Elena, abeula, ect.) about not accepting Bruno right away (mostly Elena) and I wanted address this...

All negative comments will be removed or muted completely, mostly the ones saying that Elena or Y/n are overreacting or should forgive and forget. Im not stupid, I can tell when something is a joke and I won't remove those but others like saying "stfu child." To a child is unacceptable no matter the reason. As someone who went through the trauma of not feeling like their enough because another person came into their lives makes me so upset at the comments. If you feel like Elena doesn't have a good reason or is "overreacting" even though she is a CHILD who's father left and randomly showed up, leave now. Encanto is about generational trauma and in this case I tried to embody the feeling of not being enough because someone came into their life leading into self doubt. And sadly in this book, yes, even though Bruno didn't mean to he did give a form of trauma to both his child and wife (aka Y/n), relating back to the meaning of the book. Encanto is full of amazing characters and backstorys aswell as character growth, if you fail to see that and shame a child (fictional or not) then your the issue. I can't believe I have go address this because it's getting out of hand, emotions should not be shamed ever its a natural feeling to have as a 10 year old and even as someone who is older who felt alone and isolated. Yes, Bruno will be better and he deals with his own trauma and issues but that is why this story is slow and progressing.

Healing takes time, work, and tears.

And if you disagree please leave because I want this story to be for everyone who can relate and feel safe (like the meaning of Encanto). So shaming how someone may react or relate to this story is sick and disappointing. If you want a softer story I have a Bruno x y/n I made that doesn't have this because clearly some people are very childish with the meaning of the movie and book.
I am sorry if I upset anyone with this but it's the truth. I don't want to remove the meaning of this movie, instead I wanted to add my own generational trauma to become more relative to others past as a mixed Hispanic myself.

Thank you.

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