My love

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Y/ns POV

When I woke up I felt the sun burning my face making me groan and flip around to the other side. I slowly opened my eyes to meet someone else's.
I screamed and jumped out of bed only for the culprit to shush me.

"Mama calm down! It's just me!!" Elena said putting her hands up in defense as I caught my breath.
"Elena you gave me a heart attack... I'm to old for you to scare me like that!" I relaxed into my mattress again before my door slammed open to reveal a very nervous Bruno with a broom in his hand.

"ARE YOU OK? WHATS WRONG I HEARD SCREAMING!!" He yelled looking all over the room still in a defensive pose. Me and Elena stared at him silently as he slowly put the broom down awkwardly.
"Oh... is everything ok?" Rushing over to our side he placed his hand on my cheek and the other on Elena's shoulder.
She didn't pull away from his touch which made me smile, still keeping eyecontact with a scared Bruno.

"It's ok, amor. Elena just scared me and I screamed, we are ok." I say patting his hand gently as he breathed out facing Elena.
"What about you, are you ok mi vida?" He asked her carefully examining her face before she gave a small nod.
He then stood up straight and dusted off his dark purple button up shirt and look at the both of us before getting embarrassed at his past actions.

"Oh I uh- sorry about the worry... I busted through the door without your permission and now you probably hate me more than you already do and I just wanted to make sure you where ok but I think I was a little over dram-"

"Bruno. Don't worry, I'm glad you still care about us like you used to." I giggled at his nervousness while Elena nodded slowly, hugging my arm lazily.

"So, how did yesterday go? You both where out all night!" I asked, a little worried on how Elena may have acted twords the poor man. She has quiet the back talk when she doesn't like something.

"Oh well, I really enjoyed the time. We caught up and we went to our spot" He said smiling at Elena while she nodded and excitedly grabbed my arm.
"Mama! He told me about how you and him used to dance, and when you both fell in love, and OH! He even makes little stories like me!!" She says excitedly as I stared at her in aw.

While she went on I faced Bruno who seemed to be listening and agreeing with the things she was saying with a smile. He noticed my gaze and we made eyecontact sending waves of butterflies in my stomach. He gave me a dorky smile before we both turned back to Elena telling the story.
"I am so happy you both got along, these moments make me so happy!" I say standing up from my bed and kissing Elena's head before she smiled and walked out of my room.

Bruno looked away quickly with a red face before coving his eyes and walking into a wall right beside the door.
"Bruno, you've seen me naked before. I'm just in my night gown right now, no need to be shy. It's nothing amazing anyways you used to see it often, I'm sure your tired of it." I laugh as I walked to my dresser to get out a top and skirt of my liking.
He gave a few stuttered sentences before sighing and finding the words he was looking for.

"That's not true... I see a sunset every evening  but I never fail to be amazed by its beauty no matter how many times I see it. Its the same feeling I feel when I see you." He says standing on his own feet while I slipped my blouse top on, stopping at his sentence. Bruno always was romantic he just didn't know how to show it confidently so little moments like these made me woozy at his words.

"Sorry, I'll give you privacy!" He said avoiding my gaze as he walked out if the room covering his eyes and closing the door behind him. I gave myself a moment to digest his sweet words before changing completely, a smile completing the outfit.
When I walked out Mirabel ran past me speedily.
"Sorry Tia!! Gotta race Camilo to the good desserts!" She called out before running down the stairs, Camilo running after her not far behind.

I rolled my eyes playfully before heading to breakfast aswell.

Elena had another reading today for a full family and insisted on me and Bruno coming with her for fun. We both decided it would be a good time to catch up while she did her thing so we agreed.

The walk there was quiet besides Bruno and Elena discussing the plot to their next story. Occasionally I'd listen in and give my advise which Elena would always boo and say was cheesy making me act fake heartbroken at her words.
Once we got to the two story house, Elena was welcomed in by herself while me and Bruno sat on a bench near the home.

The tension felt uncomfortable, we both kept trying to talk but ended up starting right as the other did. I laughed at the awkwardness as he joined in on my giggles. Eventually he spoke over the tension.
"This reminds me of the first "date" we went on... we, or at least I, was so nervous and it had the same atmosphere as this." He said laughing at little and staring at his lap.

I gave a small nod, memories of out first date flooding in my mind. "You where so shy, and everytime I'd talk you'd jump a little. I swore you hated or thought I was scary" I say shaking my head with a smile as he looked over at me.
"Oh no! I was so nervous because you are so breathtaking, I could never talk to a goddess like you without looking like a fool." He said shyly as I smiled and layed my head on his shoulder.

He didn't tense up and instead leaned into my touch, staring at my left hand.
"You're wearing your ring..." He says gently taking my small hand into his bigger one.
"Oh... yeah it's habbit at this point. It reminds me of you." I say admiring the green vision in the middle, one of me and some "stranger" that I fell in love with.

"God, we where both pretty dense back then huh?" I say closing my eyes to enjoy the moment and touch I missed.
"Yeah... but hey, a year later we started dating. 5 years later we got married and a years after that we had a little angel with an attitude" he joked, kissing the top of my head making me freeze.

He noticed my tense muscles and pulled away. "I'm sorry... that was too soon I should have asked. It's only been 2 days, that's not long enough for you to forgive me." He said before I placed a hand on his cheek, kissing his forhead.

"It is to soon to forget... but that doesn't mean I didn't miss you a lot. I don't mind the affection, think of this as apart of us growing our relationship again." I say as tears grew in his eyes, he placed his head on mine with a smile.
"Thank you... I missed your kisses, your hugs, your touch, your everything so much mi amor." He whispered, squeezing my hand a little.

"EEWWWWW!" We heard from behind us to meet a disgusted Elena and Camilo staring at us bug eyed.
"Tia, tio, never do this in public my poor eyes!" He cried out dramatically as Elena stared in shock.
We pulled away from our touch, hands still connected and stood up.

"Camilo." I said firmly as he sheepishly smiled and walked away into the town. Elena simply made a fake gag noise before walking back to the Casita, gesturing us to follow.
Me and Bruno laughed and he took the hand that was in his and kissed it softly as we headed behind our daughter.

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