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Brunos POV

Once the Casita was completely built again Mirabel had placed the doorknob (wE nEeD a DoOrKnOb~) into the front door, it immediately lit up as the magic returned. The town and family cheered in joy and a title relief, the castia pulled us into the home instantly while waving. I held onto Y/ns hand while she held onto Elena's.

We walked into the new and improved Casita amazed, everyone began to party and cheer until Mama called us into a photo. The floors once again moved us together into the frame of the photo. It's been years since I've been in a photo with the family, just the thought of finally being near them made me smile uncontrollably.

We all awkwardly huddled together while Y/n placed her hand gently on my shoulder. Her face was sad at first but she took a breathe and gave me a comforting smile. My heart could have jumped out of my chest then and there from pure joy but she removed her hand soon after. I was a little sad but my face lit up when I saw her carry Elena who kept insisting she was to old to be carried but just ended up getting squished into a hug between me and Y/n when the picture took.

The photo was a mess, but everyone's smile was genuine and real. We where all happy to have our Casita and Encanto back, and I was just happy to me with my family again.
We partied all night, mostly me standing in the corner watching over everyone making sure everything was OK now.

I occasionally made eyecontact with Y/n but would just end up getting death glares from Elena making me laugh and look away. Apart of me was tearing apart at the fact we couldn't just go back to before where I would kiss Y/n and her belly carrying Elena and everything was perfect but I knew I couldn't. I can't stay in the past, I have to focus on the future and making our relationship and my relationship as a father figure to Elena strong again.

Pepa and Juliette had been talking to me none stop all night, even as the party died down making me smile. It's been forever since I had a normal conversation with someone for this long so I probably looked like an idiot standing and nodding without saying a word.

Once it was late at night and almost everyone had left, I made my way to my door. It didn't have a carving in it until I opened the door itself like when I was 5. My picture was basically the same but butterflies decorated the sides like the front door. I had made my way to Y/ns room after that, I knew for a fact I couldn't sleep in her bed but it would be the first time I would be able to say goodnight and maybe get a reply in forever.

I knocked on her door gently but it cracked open. I tried to close it again but I heard voices inside. I knew I should have just left and closed the door but apart of me wanted to know who was talking and why. I hears Y/n and Elena talking and I peeked through the crack to get a better look. They where sitting on her bed, facing away, and they seemed to be looking at something in Y/ns lap.

"I found this in the rubble... I know you like this picture of you and Bruno so I saved it for you." I heard Elena say.
There it was again, the pain in my heart from the use of my name.
"Thank you... honey. This means a lot to me you didn't have too." Y/n said kissing the top of Elena's head as she groaned for her to stop with the babying.

"Do you really forgive him."

The room went dead quiet, I could hear my heartbeat rush in my ears as I waited for an answer myself.
"I don't know." Y/n finally answered making me let out a breath, sadly playing with my fingers.
"But... I do still love him Elena. I know he left but the memories never did, I knew him all my life and he truly did love me. I just can't forgive him that easily that's all." She says playing with Elena's curly hair.

Elena stayed quiet but nodded and agreed. "I don't have any memories of him, he was never in my life. I only heard of him through rumors or stories you would tell me. As far as for me he is a complete stranger." She says standing up to face Y/n. I bit my lip holding back my tears as I knocked on the door.

The both of them jumped but Y/n got up and opened to meet my eyes. "Ah... Bruno is something wrong?" She asks gently as to not wake any sleeping family up.
"No... no nothings wrong I just, I just wanted to say goodnight... that's all." I say avoiding eyecontact. She stared at me for a moment before smiling and leaning against the door.

"Goodnight, Bruno. And I have an idea!" She says as Elena walked up beside her, staring into my skull.
"How about tommorow you take Elena out to the town and get to know each other!" She says holding onto Elena's shoulder. Elena let out a gasp and began to whisper scream.
"I don't wanna go with HIM.!" She said.

I played with my fingers before looking at them both, Y/n had a soft smile towards me but I could tell it was pity and Elena had a disgusted face on.
"This will help you bond... and it will prove you are trying to make an effort." She said the last part sternly but oh so calm at the same time. Elena had her arms crossed but I practically jumped for joy at the idea, it was my moment to get to know my daughter truly.

I had only seen her through the walls and it was the perfect time to prove myself to both of them that I wanted to be apart of this family and be a better husband and father.
"That's a wonderful idea!! I really want to get to know you Elena... I saw you grow up through the walls and I really want to be your dad." I say confidently as she looked me up and down quizzically before letting out a long sigh and pushing past me to her room.

"Fine. Goodnight Mama." She said closing her door gently. I turned to see Y/n looking at me with a blank face making me nervous.
"Listen... I know you want to be here in her life but if I think you are going to leave again or something bad happens then I won't allow you in it." She says a little sad at the last part.
I nodded and took her hands gently, kissing both knuckles and looking into her eyes.

"I promise starting now I will never leave you or our daughter. I truly want to be with you and her again like before... and if it means climbing a mountain to prove it I will." I say before she smiles and closes her door before saying "I know you will... Goodnight, amor"

I could feel my face getting redder and my palms getting sweaty. I smiled as I walked back to my room while thinking of fun activities for me and Elena to do, she wasn't a baby anymore but she wasn't mature to want to get food so I had to find a good inbetween.
While thinking it kind of hit me like a truck that my baby girl was almost a teen, I sucked in air at the thought that this was our first "daddy-daughter date" ever. I'm fact it was the first time we even talked one on one.

I can't mess this up.

Hope you enjoyed the 3 chapters in 1 1/2 days 😏 I was bored so I had the time to really give it my all so yeah!! Also Elena may seem rude rn but Bruno is literally a stranger to her, gave her a bad reputation in the town (ref. Back to Elena chapter), and made her mother upset almost daily so she's not exactly the most excited 💀 but I promise Bruno isn't a dick, he's going to be an amazing father and husband ♡♡

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