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After 16 years..................

It was 4:00 AM . Two girls are sleeping in a torn mattress. The room in which they are sleeping is worst than a store room. With broom stick and other materials used for household works. They had only some pair of dresses.

Their dresses are placed neatly in a broken cupboard. The alarm clock rang. First girl got up and switched it off quickly so that it will not disturb her younger sisters sleep. (The two girls are NAIRA and AVNEET. Naira is elder than Avneet.)


I woke up the same second my alarm rang. Because I was not sleeping. I had my nightmare around 3:00AM. So I didn't sleep after that. I went near the window. We have no lights in our room Or another store room.

I spoke my heart out but there was no one to hear."I miss you Mom and dad. We are bearing so many pain and trouble. I can't see my younger sister suffering in front of my eyes. I knew that you loved us a lot dad . And mom I knew that you never felt irritated of our behavior. I remember each and everything happened on that day. I didn't had any idea at that time that day that I will live such a life. I miss you mom and day. We are living in this cruel world without anyones help. Please guide us mom and dad" I felt something wet on my cheeks, then I realized that it was my tears.

I checked the time in the alarm clock. It stopped by the minute it rang the alarm. It's not new for me. It happens often. I saw the sun through window. Yes. I know to find time by seeing sun. The time is 4:15 AM. I went to take bath. And cook for others in the mansion. We are 6 in the mansion.

I am the one who cooks for every one. I have one twin. Her name is AVNEET KAUR NANDRA. Legally her name is AVNEET RATHORE . And sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am NAIRA KAUR NANDRA. But my legal name is NAIRA RATHORE. I have completed Law. I am working as waitress in a restaurant and as Manager in a Resort.

I will be working as waitress from 9:00AM to 12:00 PM. And from 2:00PM to 10 PM I work as a Manager in a famous resort. It's already late. I have to cook soon. Otherwise my devil disguise step parents will punish me.



Naira always respects Mr. And Mrs. Rathore. Because they provide and shelter( in other words store room) and food(not a proper one) even though she respect them. Naira and Avneet worked and payed all their educational fees from young age.

Avneet doesn't give any respect to them. Avneet speaks what's in her mind. But Naira always thinks twice before speaking. Naira never gets angry. If she gets no one can control her except Avneet. Same goes to Avneet.

They love each other immensely.

It's a dark room. A girl is hiding her face in her knees a boy comes there. He asked her to hold her hand. At first she hesitated but she gave her hand to him. He helped her to come out that room. She hugged him.

She was going to see his face. Suddenly something fall on her she woke up with a jerk. That girl is AVNEET. She woke up because a broken brush fall right on her eyes.


I tried to see that boy aka my soul mate. But today also I missed it. I checked the clock. It's says it 6:00 AM now. I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

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