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Ashnoor was sleeping under medication. Naira along with Vibha mam and Ayaana reached the hospital. It was a pin drop silence. Ayaana is sleeping in Abhi's arms.

Suddenly the door bursted open, revealing Jannat. Her eyes were red and her hands were trembling. She was looking at Ashnoor Without blinking her eyes.

IV was connected and a machine showing her heartbeat rate. Her eyes wandered over the machine and Atlast landed again at Ashnoor.

She slowly walked towards Ashnoor. Aryan was about to shout at Jannat but Karthik stopped him.

Jannat slowly went near Ashnoor, Siddharth was near Ashnoor's bed. She held Siddharth's suit like a small baby and fisted it.

Avneet didn't feel any bad vibes from her. It looked like a small child holding father's hand out of fear. No one said anything.

Jannat slowly asked

Jan: Bhai, Ask her to wake up. I want to speak to her.

She whispered slowly, but due to the silence in room everyone heard it. All were shocked. It was years as Jannat called Siddharth as bhai. At young age, they were the powerful brother-sister duo. Jannat was a introvert at a young age and Siddharth is the only one who she had. They shared a pure bond which everyone was jealous of. but after years everything changed.

Everyone  was shocked to respond including Siddharth. He remembered the young girl who he used to play with and how she drastically changed after years.

Sid: She was under medication. She will wake up soon. She is fine now.

Jan: But what happened to her??

Kar: Someone made her consume a strong poison but now she is out of danger

Jan: Why no one informed me?

Sid: Cause we thought you girls, I meant you and your elder sister won't care about her.

Jan: I do care bhai.

She realised what she said and started looking here and there

Jan: I mean I care for her Mr. Nigam. I care.

She whispered the last line. Again there was a pure silence.

After few minutes Ashnoor woke up.

Ash: Jan, when did you came here??

Jan: I came here when you were under medication.

How many times I have told you not to get anything from outsiders??. How many times I warned you about the outside world?? How many times I warned you that all are selfish and never trust anyone??

But still you trusted an outsider and had something which led you here, to hospital. What if something happened to you??

By saying the last line, Jannat cried. Every one are having tears. They understood that Jannat loves Ashnoor more than anyone

Ash: Come on Jan, I am perfectly fine. Hereafter, I will be careful

Jan: You repeat the same dialogue everytime.

Ary: Wait a second, What do you mean by every time. How much time she was poisoned.

Ash: It's not like that Baby. It's just food poisoning. I can't have any outside foods. She is referring to my friends who basically buys those food for me in school days.


Ash: Jan, they are not.

Jan: yeah, I believe you.

Jannat said with a tight lipped smile.

Jan: When can we discharge her??

Kar: Well, Doctor will come in few minutes. Only then we can ask him.

Jan: Fine.

Ash: Jan, do mom and dad know about me being in hospital??

She asked with a little hope that her parents might care for her. Jannat saw the hope in her eyes. She lowered her head and nodded no.

Jan: I wasn't able to contact dad as he in a meeting, his PA attended the call and told that he will inform once the meeting gets over.

Ash: What about mom??

Jan: she wasn't in her sober state.

Ashnoor gave a dry chuckle

Ash: I don't remember seeing her in her Sober state for last 15 years.

Jan: Don't think about them.

Ash: I want to meet Anika.

Jannat head snapped towards Ashnoor.

Jan: Why?? I meant why now?? You should rest now.

When Ashnoor was about to talk Door opened reveling Dr.Atharva.

He checked Ashnoor and told that she will be discharged after two days..

To be continued.....



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