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There was an emergency meeting held in Germany. The CEO must attend the meeting. generally Karthik and Siddharth will attend those meeting.

But they just got married. So he decided to go this time. He have to stay there atleast for 3 months.When he said about this to Vaishnavi and Vibha mam they said that they will also accompain with him and give some private time to Kaira and Sidneet.

The flight was at early morning 5:00 AM. So they all woke up around 4:00 Am and got ready. They thought that Karthik and Siddharth will wake up. But they both didn't woke up because they were cuddling with their wives and sleeping.

They waited till 4:30 but Sidthik didn't show up. So they wrote a note and went. They didn't want to disturb them so they went by just writing a note.

In Karthik room,

They both were cuddling and sleeping. Sunray reached their room through the gaps between the curtains. He slowly opened the eyes and saw Naira.

Their bodies were entangled. He found that Naira cannot sleep even there is a small sound. Because he saw Naira sleeping well before carrying her. So he didn't move, because he knew that if he move Naira will wake up for sure. So he remained still.

He started to admire Naira's face. He removed the strands of hair which is falling in her face and hiding his view. He smiled to himself.

Naira snuggled more into his chest. He smiled more. Then he remembered about Naira's Nightmare. He thought to wake her up. She slowly shaked her. She murmured in her sleep

Nai: please let me sleep after so many years I am feeling good and having a good sleep. I will cook after sometimes. And please don't slap me.

Kar: Naira what happened??. And no one is going to slap you . Wake up.

Naira slowly opened her eyes. Karthik pretended to be sleeping. She was shocked by seeing the surrounding. Then she remembered that she is married. Slowly she turned her face and saw Karthik.

She saw their position. And try to come out if his grip. But Karthik tightened his grip around her waist. Ahe tried her best to come out of his grip. But failed. Karthik chucked by seeing her reaction. Then Naira guessed that Karthik was awake. Then

Nai: Mr. Nigam please remove my hand.

Kar: ........

Nai: Mr. Nigam i knew that you are awake. Please remove your hand.

Kar: ( still didn't give any response)

Nai: Karthik you are testing my patience. Just remove your hand. I am warning you.

Kar: .....

Nai: ok Karthik. It's your choice. I warned you before. But you didn't listened now regret.

She went near his ears and..


She screamed in his ears. He closed Naira's mouth and

Kar: Naira why are shouting like this?? Can't you speak slowly???

Nai: I warned you. But you didn't listened. That's why I did this. And your the one who made me do this.

Kar: ok leave it. I just thought to have some fun. Ok leave it. I want to talk to you about something important.

Nai: ok. But please remove your hand.

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