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Everything was all set for the evening party and it's morning . Avneet was feeling shy to see Siddharth after morning happening. She was sitting on the garden. Meanwhile in Kaira room,

Naira POV

god, why you made Karthik like this. He haven't returned from Gym yet. And here I am waiting to see him from morning and wish him.

It's our third month Anniversary and i am sure that he must have forgotten thats why he went for gym . The moments I spent with Karthik were the best moments of my life.

Thank you mom and dad for sending Karthik in my life and Siddharth in Avneet's life. I love you and miss you mom and dad. If you both were alive it will be more memorable. And i also wish to thank the person who helped Karthik, dada and Siddharth when they were young.

But they were also not alive now. What a fate, all the good peoples are destined to die fast without enjoying their life.

I was lost in my thoughts then suddenly someone waved their hands in front of me. It was none other than my Husband


. He was so handsome as usual. But Right now, I am angry at him, because he didn't informed me before going to Gym and he was too late today.

I was staring at him, then he said,

Kar: Am I that handsome, so that you weren't able to blink your eyes darling.

Yes. Nowadays Karthik calls me darling and i will call him hubby only when we are alone. We just like being calling each other with nicknames.

Nai: No. Not at all. Don't build high hopes Mr. NIGAM. you are not that handsome so that i will be staring at you. And keep your thoughts with yourself.

Wow, what a lie Naira. Don't you find him handsome from your first meet asked my heart. Of course he is the handsomest man I have ever seen.

And he is the only man who I love to stare. But now I should get angry on him. He was starring at me as of trying to read my mind. We shared a deep Eyelock. He sat beside me.

Kar: so someone is angry.

Nai: yes.

Kar: may I know the reason Mrs. Nigam

What!!! He is calling me Mrs. Nigam instead of Darling .I love being called Mrs. Nigam but I like darling too . Now I will not spare you dear hubby.

Nai: Actually Mr. Nigam, you know what? I have husband who is good for nothing and I am angry at him.

Kar: Mrs. Nigam can you say the reason why you are at that great man.

He is calling himself a great man. I will not spare you.

Nai: Mr. Nigam, he is not a great man. He is a good for nothing man

Kar: ok Mrs. Nigam. Pls say the reason. I think I can help you.

Nai: ok listen. Today my good-for-nothing hubby left for Gym very early without informing and came back very late. So tell me what punishment I should give him.

Kar: well, I will suggest you this Mrs. Nigam.

By saying that Karthik kissed my both cheeks. I became red due to shyness. My crush, my husband kissed me on my cheeks. I slightly raised my head to see him. He was smiling.

I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. He hugged me back tightly. And kissed my hairs. And here I am smiling like a fool. I heard that Kisses give a special feeling and today I felt that. Then he said

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