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Abhisidthik went to Aryan's home to clear the misunderstanding. They were shocked by seeing the state of the home. Everything is scattered in the floor. There were so many glass pieces on the floor. Luckily all the three wore branded shoes, so no glasses pierced their leg.

There in a corner, Aryan was sitting in floor with a alcohol bottle. Saying about Aryan, he is an unwanted child in his family. His family never cared for him. He had a very tough childhood with his elder brother bullying him and his father and mother abusing him.

He himself determined that he should never love anyone or let anyone love him. He had no friends in his school. He grew up all alone, working hard to pay his fees.

In his college, he met Siddharth. They both were called as "ARROGANT HANDSOME" In thier college.They never get along with each other. Whenever, wherever they met they had fight.

Later one day, Siddharth saw him working in a restaurant. There too they had a fight and later Abhishek calmed them down. Karthik took them to his home and solved all the misunderstanding between them.

That's when their Friendship started. Later they both started business and now they are shining in their field.

So now, they met each other in any occasional party and had communication with each other. Even during their last meeting he never told them about Ashnoor. Because he himself wasn't clear about his feelings.

When he realized his feelings, everything was fine. But things took a turn when Ashnoor's sisters showed morphed photos to him. He trusted Ashnoor but somewhere he wanted to ask Ashnoor. He too asked Ashnoor which broke her beyond repair.

She didn't reply to him neither yes nor no. She just walked out which made Aryan believe that Ashnoor cheated on him.

He was frustrated, upset and broken right now.

He saw Abhisidthik in the entrance and rushed to hug them. When he was about to hug Karthik, Siddharth punched him in his stomach. He held his stomach and looked at Siddharth. They both shared a look and all of a sudden Aryan punched Siddharth right in his jaw.

They looked at each other without a blink and laughed all of a sudden. Abhithik sighed. They always does this. No matter how sad they are. Soon all four started to laugh

All of a sudden Aryan's laugh turned into  cry. He hugged Siddharth and cried aloud. Siddharth consoled him while Abhishek went to kitchen to prepare something for Aryan and Karthik started to clean a room for staying.

After few minutes they entered cleaned room and sat. Abhishek made Pasta for Aryan. After few minutes, they forced Aryan to have food.

When he finished eating, they decided to open the matter.

Abhi: Aryan how is life treating you?

Aryan: Abhi, even after seeing my state you think life is treating me good.

He asked with a tone laced with pain. He was very casual with Abhi since the starting.

Kar: Aryan, tell me exactly what happened between you and Ashnoor.

He gave a dry chuckle and continued

Ary: she came into my life as disturbance and became my priority. She broke the wall I built around myself but little did I know she will break my heart.

Sid: stop these riddles and say clearly

Ary: I saw her as my manager in one of the hotel. She was your cousin ,Mr. Greedy Singhania's daughter and I knew very well to which level her father would stoop for money.

DESTINY DECIDES EVERYTHING (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now