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Jannat and her sisters went to their rooms. Everyone were happy and proud because of Avneet's behavior. She was glaring them. After they went to their room,

she turned towards Siddharth and glared him.

Siddharth was confused because he was not at fault. Avneet went out of the dinning room. Everyone are confused while Siddharth thought that Avneet was angry at him.

Sid: I think Little one is angry with me. But whats my mistake. It was Jannat's plan but why little one is angry with me.

Nai: Chote, I think she is not angry with you.

Sid: No bhabhi. She is angry with me. She glared at me before moving out.

Kar: Chote Naira is Avneet's elder twim. She can understand her well. So let's wait till Avneet returns.

Abhi: I think Karthik and Naira are right. What you think mom and Vaish??

Vai: I think she is Angry but not at Siddharth.

Vib: I too think the same. Let's wait. Avneet will come

Sid: No mom. I will go and apologize to her. I knew that it was not my mistake but I will apologize.

Avneet entered with a Bowl of water and Soap. Sidthikshek ( Siddharth, Abhishek, Karthik) we're confused while Vibha mam, Vaishnavi and Naira understood what's gonna happen.

They three felt happy and understood that Avneet started to Love Siddharth. They three hugged each other. Sidthikshek looked at them with a confusing look. Avneet kept the bowl and Soap at Dinning table.

She signalled Siddharth to sit in the chair. Siddharth didn't understand that. So Avneet made him to sit. He was looking at her with confusion evident in his face.

She started to wash the place where Jannat kissed him. Everyone are laughing and Siddharth was looking at her with amused expression. She was showing all her anger on his cheek.

Sid: Little one. Pls be slow. It's paining. Are you planning to tear my skin..

Avu: if your skin tears I will be the happiest person. Because it will be replaced by the new skin. And that Jannat touch will go completely from your face.

Sid:So someone is jealous

Avu: I am not jealous Sid. I am possessive. I don't share what's mine. And you are mine. UNDERSTOOD.

Sid: I understood Little one. And pls ne slow because tonight we are celebrating our Anniversary. I want to look and handsome and I don't want to look like a tomato.

Avu: ok. I am leaving now. But if again Jannat tries Something like this, i will kill and bury her in our backyard..

Vai: Sure Avu. And i will help you.

Avu: Thank you di. Love you

Vai: love you too Avu. .

Nai: I am also here.

Avu&Vai: ohh. Love you tooo Naira

Nai: love you too Sisters

They did a group hug. Boys were looking at them with a weird look.

Vib: ok let's have breakfast.

And they all started to have breakfast.

To be continued............


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