46. WHY

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Anika said, "You were asking about Ayaan's second son, right. Here he is". Once she said, again some men dragged a man whose face is covered with a black cloth. They removed his mask.


His nose was bleeding badly. Jannat eyes pooled with tears by watching him.

Atharva was made to sit in a chair and her men tied him up.

Anika said, "Tie up Jannat too. " Jannat glared her and said, "You can't do that. You said you will leave mom and dad if I accept to act. Now the deal is over. They are safe and you can't order me around. "

Anika Smirked at her, "exactly. Now the deal is over. So you are too under my custody. Obey me if you want a peaceful death" She spoke in a cold voice. Jannat stood there with angry tears in her eyes.

Arhaan was holding a ice pack near his cheeks. Jannat too obeyed her and she was also tied up like others.

All others are confused and not understanding anything.

Atharva screamed, "Where is my mom? " Anika looked at him and ordered her men to bring his mother.

They came with Atharva's mom. His mom went near him, Atharva was relaxed after seeing his mom.

He asked mom, "Mumma, you are alright right. I was worried. Did they trouble you?? You are fine right. " He kept on asking questions she nooded her head at him. Her eyes lingered long on Veer and Arya.

Arhaan came there and asked Atharva's mother, " Hello wife! ". Atharva's mother looked at him with sharp eyes, " It's DR. PRIYA KAPOOR for you Arhaan Nandra and i am no longer your wife. "

Atharva and everyone was shocked with revelation. Arhaan smirked, "Still same attitude, not bad".

Anika said, " This Atharva Is the third child of Ayaan and Neha. Priya saved both children. But due to her poverty she wasn't able to raise both kids. Among both kids, Aryan was healthy but Atharva was very weak. So she gave Aryan to orphanage without a choice and raised Atharva as her son. "

Atharva just understood that his Mumma was not his biological mother and Aryan is his elder twin. He looked at Aryan who was already looking at him with affection. Vaishnavi wanted to hug her brothers. She looked at him with so much love.

She wasn't able to take it anymore. She looked at Abhishek who asked her to wait for few minutes.

All are feeling so many emotions. Priya looked at Aryan with guilt for abandoning him at such a young age. He too looked at her and gave a smile conveying that he understood her.

Priya's eyes kept going to Arya and Veer but she herself don't know why. Suddenly a video call came to Anika.

Both Anika and Arhaan watched that video and rushed to the nearby room. Her men to went behind her.

Priya used the opportunity and told everyone, "I am well aware that you all have a backup plan. And Aryan.. I didn't have any other choice . Sorry Son. " She said looking at him with tears.

Aryan replied, "I understand. Please don't cry" She nodded her head and looked at Atharva who seems lost.

She continued, "Athu, I never wanted to keep you in dark. I... I didn't knew what to do. I was in pain after loosing my sons. You and Aryan came to me as a remedy.."

Atharva stopped her in middle and smiled, " I understand...and Love you so much Mumma. Always and Forever "

He said with tears in his eyes. He also wanted to know about his real parents but decided to ask at right time.

He suddenly Asked her, "Is that Monster was your ex-husband mumma"

Everyone's attention was on her, she thought for few minutes and nodded no and said, "I married Arhaan Nandra. The one who was here this long is not Arhaan. " She said looking at nothing particular.

Abhishek asked, "How are you so sure Aunt? " Priya answered him, " We may be Divorsed and hate each other, but deep in our heart we still love each other.. Unconditionally. Today I didn't saw love in his eyes. Which clearly states, that's not my Arhaan". She said with sharp eyes.

The door opened revealing Anika and Arhaan. They bought a man in wheel chair. Priya whispered, "HAAN"

Tears pooled in her eyes. That's the real ARHAAN NANDRA.

His face is swollen. He looks pale and weak. Priya's heart clenched looking at his condition. She looked at Anika and fake Arhaan with fire in her eyes.

She screamed at top of her voice, "I WILL NOT SPARE YOU B****H. I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID TO MY HAAN. REMEMBER..I WON'T SPARE YOU. YOU KNOW ABOUT ME VERY WELL" Her eyes was spitting fire and Anika was stunned for a minute.

Arhaan smiled at his wife and blew a flying kiss to her when Priya looked at him. Priya chuckled sadly looking at him.

All are looking without saying everything.

Arhaan's eyes looked at everyone and he recognised everyone except Arya and Veer. He looked at them for a long time with unsaid emotion which he himself don't know.

Anika snapped in front of him, he looked at her with no emotion. She said, "bhaiya, today I am going to everything, once for all. Look all are here. And you may not know who is Arya and Veer right".

He stayed silent, She looked at Priya and smirked. Anika continued" Veer and Arya... They are your sons. Veer is your elder son AYUSH NANDRA and Arya is your younger son PIYUSH NANDRA. "

Ground slipped for Priya. They were her sons, whom she thought she lost. Arhaan was also equally shocked. Arya and Veer were dumbfound. Arohi and Akshara weren't in a state to think anything.

Anika continued, "They were really lucky. When I planned to kill them first they escaped and you too blamed each other and Divorsed. During second attempt, they lost their adopted parents. Each time they got saved.... But not now"

No one is in state to speak anything.

Arhaan asked her, "Why?? ". Anika started screaming, " Because Aman killed our Father brutally, when I planned to kill his family, his kids were saved. It was not Akil who saved Naira and Avneet.. It was you who saved them without letting Akil know".

Akil was shocked and said, "Haan Bro". Arhaan looked towards him and gave him a small nod with a small smile. Akil was feeling so many emotions.

Anika continued, " You were hell bent on protecting them which made me hate you. And not to forget, I wanted kill this so-called wife of yours since beginning. But each time she escaped. I planned to kill her but your sons got trapped and you both Divorsed by blaming each other.

I was very Happy. But then again.. I found that your sons are alive. When I planned again, your sons escaped but their adopted parents got killed. After that I wasn't able to trace them. Ok leave all that..

Tell me why you always wanted to save Aman. TELL ME. ".

Arhaan looked at her with fire in his eyes. She was trembling inside by looking at him. Even though he was tied, she was feeling scared. She moved back of Fake Arhaan, who himself is shaking in fear.

To be continued.....


Author note
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