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Arhaan said, "Long back, there was a rich business man named, " RUDRA NANDRA". He had two sons. His wife passed away while giving birth to their second son. He raised his sons and maintained business too by himself, without anyone's help.

His elder son is "SHIVAAY NANDRA and younger son is " SARESH NANDRA ".

Shivaay Nandra is a perfectionist just like Rudra Nandra but Saresh Nandra is exactly opposite.

While Shivaay was building his empire he was wasting his father's money by gambling and doing one night stands.

Rudra understood that Saresh will be destruction to his family and gave Saresh's share to him and Shivaay's share to him, which Shivaay politely rejected and asked his father to have it for himself.

Shivaay married LEKA and led a peaceful life while Saresh was still the same. Shivaay Leka didn't have child as Leka has some health problems.

Saresh finished all his money and had nothing in his pocket. When he asked help to Shivaay and Rudra, Rudra strictly prohibited him not to help him.

Saresh hatched a worst plan. He met ARIYA, a poor orphan who is working as a waitress. He wanted a solid reason to ask money to his father. He wanted to show his father that he became responsible but in real, he didn't. He raped ARIYA, and left her.

Ariya became pregnant and gave birth to a boy...... And that boy is me.. ".

All are dumbfound except Priya as she knew already. He slowly opened his eyes which were looking like Devil's eyes with so much intensity.

He looked at Abhaya and Screamed, " That bastard, your so-called Father Raped my mother and I am the result. I am ARIYA's Son ARHAAN, only her son. " His memories are taking a toll in him.

He calmed himself and continued, "Even though I was a result of injustice happened with her, she didn't hate me. She loved me more than anything. Many called her names for becoming pregnant before marriage.

But she ignored everything and loved me... Without expecting anything in return. " A lone tear fell from his eyes. His words reflected how much his mother loved him and he how much loved his mother. Tears were flowing from everyone's eyes.

He continued, "My mumma gave birth to me and took great care of me. Everything was peaceful, but again Saresh came back and Separated me from my mother and brought me to Dadu (Rudra Nandra) and papa(Shivaay Nandra).

He made a fake story and told them that My mumma left me for money and he wants to take care of me and he loves me. Dadu and papa didn't believe him and they knew that my mumma was innocent.

Papa and maa(Leka NANDRA, wife of Shivaay Nandra) told him that they will raise  me as they didn't have kid and decided to give monthly allowance to That sick bastard.

Dadu , papa , maa loved me so much.

They took great care of me and dadu was searching for my mumma. I was 5 when I saw other kids playing with their siblings.

I cried to maa and papa that I too want a siblings. Even after knowing very well that pregnancy is highly risk for maa, they took the risk... Just for my happiness.

It was too late when I understood that my maa's life was in danger. I prayed say and night for her safety. After so much struggle, she gave birth to my younger brother AMAN NANDRA.. My younger brother, my teddy.

The day I saw teddy I promised myself that I will never let anything harm him.

Even after the birth of teddy, maa and papa loved me the same way. Saresh wasn't able to accept the fact that teddy will be the legal heir for papa's company.

Thats when he came to me and  told the truth. I never believed him and I don't know why but I never felt comfortable around him. I and teddy  have an age gap of 5 years, which makes him very younger.

I heard papa and Dadu were shouting with panic to someone in phone call. I was 12 and teddy was seven. Then maa, papa and dadu rushed out in car, I followed them in my cycle while teddy was playing with his friends

They three entered into a small house, I too entered the house and... ".

His breathing was raged and his body is shaking in anger and pain while remembering all these . Priya rushed towards him and hugged him tightly and whispered, " Let it go Haan. Let all your pain out. Please. For me, for you and for us. ". He nodded at her and broke the hug.

He continued, " I saw my mumma lying there in a worst condition. I went towards her, at first I didn't knew that she was my mumma.... But my hear broke into pieces by looking at her condition.

I felt hard to breathe, all of them noticed me. Dadu signalled papa to tell me everything. Maa hugged me and cried looking at mumma's condition.

Dadu and Papa told me everything. After getting me, he torchered my mumma physically and mentally, he didn't give her proper food and he was killing her slowly.

It was too late when they found my mumma, she was close to death. I saw my mumma for the first time and for the last time. The only sentence I heard from her is "I love you So much Haan". The moment she finished the sentence, she..... Died in my arms. "

The moment he finished all are crying. Ayush and Piyush rushed and hugged him. After few minutes he calmed down.

He told, "That moment, I decided that Saresh Nandra will be killed by me. He brought me to this world, just to die by my hands .

Maa, papa and dadu did their best to make me feel good. But all I could see is, my mumma's love for me in her eyes even In her last moment. If I lived with her, she would have cherished me with her love for sure.

Maa gave me equal love but still... I missed my mumma a lot.

All the properties were changed to teddy and me. That's when he planned to kill everyone in the family.

He stabbed everyone in front of me and Teddy as were hiding. His plan is too have my custody under him and enjoy luxury so he didn't plan to harm me. ".

He looked Abhaya with sharp eye and said, " IT WAS ME WHO SAVED AMAN". She was shocked by the new found information.

He chuckled darkly and continued, "I saved him and sent him safely to an orphanage. I started to look after business and didn't give a penny to your father for free.

I made him work like a Buffalo... No, Buffalo may get offended if I compare him with them.

Even then that bastard didn't change his ways and had one night stand. That s**t gave birth to a baby and gave to him telling that its his responsibility. He decided to sell that 40 days old baby to human trafficking.

It was me who stopped him and ordered him to not to keep his hand on the baby. And that baby is YOU. "

Abhaya was looking at him with fear.

He continued, "It was my fault that I decided to raise you when I was just 17. I thought you as a small baby who needs shelter . but how did  I forget that you are a daughter of a S**t and a m*******e. You turned out exactly like them. ".

To be continued....


Author note

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I was crying while writing this  chapter.

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