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Karthik and Naira are going towards the park where Karthik made arrangements.

After reaching the park Karthik opened his side door of car and went out to open door for Naira. They Walked hand in hand towards the prepared area in which he personally asked the designer to do.

            (The place in park)

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            (The place in park)

Nai: This place is awesome Karthik

She didn't get any response from Karthik. She turned back and saw Karthik was standing with a box in his hand.

He was smiling at her. She raised her eye brow asking "what".

He led her to the table and made her sit. He also sat opposite to her

Kar: Naira, I want to say a lot of things to you. So please hear me out patiently

I lost my dad at a very young age. When dad was alive I have seen how much they love each other. After dad's death my mom wasn't able to overcome his death. Even today somewhere in her heart she still loves dad immensely and misses him too.

I saw my mom crying for the first time at my dad's death. She was very strong but my dad's death broke her apart. She didn't wanted to live. She just lived for us.

I understood that love gives immense happiness at the same time unbearable pain too. It makes a man weak and  makes him mad. So, according to me Loving someone is waste of time.

So i just decided that i will never love anyone. But you came in my life. I still remember our first meeting. The way I felt when you are around. The comfort I found around you, I never knew what I felt for you.

The moment I felt that I am engaged to you. I felt a different kind of happiness. I married you happily , Not out of  anger. After realising the truth that i was wrong about you. I felt anger over myself.

That moment I don't know why but I wanted you by my  side always. I started falling for you. And I am happy that I fell for you.


I thought that love will make a person weak but you taught me that loves make a man complete.

Your love made me strong and i hope mine made you strong too.

Thank you for coming in my life and I Request you to stay forever. Will you??

Naira and Karthik had happy tears in her eyes. She nodded her head.

Karthik opened the box.

It had couples Chain in it

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It had couples Chain in it. Karthik made Naira to wear the gold color one and Naira made Karthik wear the other one.

They kissed each other with passion.

To be continued........


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