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Sidneet and Kaira became close to each other. Naira started to work as Karthik's PA. First she hesitated but later she joined his office.

Avneet is a bright student in her college. So there is no need for her to go to college. So she is staying at home and doing her studies.

Sidneet and Kaira realised that they are important to each other but didn't realize that they love each other. Abhishek and everyone returned from Germany.

Everyone are happy in their Mansion. It was sunday. After 5 days it's Kaira and Sidneet's 3 months anniversary. So they decided to celebrate it and arranged a small family get together for that.

Avneet and Naira refused but Vibha mam said that the get together will be taken place in their house. Only close relatives knew about Sidneet and Kaira marriage.

So they decided that they should inform all relatives about their marriage. So they invited all their family relatives. And decided to announce ot surprisingly. Everyone one said that they will be on the get together but Abhisidthik's cousins said that they will be coming today.

While everyone are playing with Ayaana( Abhishek daughter)

Vai: Ayaana don't run.

Avu: come on di. Let her play. And don't worry she will not get hurt.

Nai: yes di. Don't worry. And di who are the girls coming today.

Vai: another name of headache.

Nai: I don't understand di. Please say ot clearly.

Avu: Naira, di is saying that they are headache. Which means they are spoilt girls. Am I right di?

Vai: yes Avu you are right. Naira you are so innocent.

Nai: no di. I am not innocent. Just for confirmation I asked.

Avu: ok leave that topic. Do say about those girls.

Vai: they are three. They are all equally spoilt. They don't have any manners and if she mess with you two just inform me. Ok.

Nai: ok di. But why you hate those girls this much.

Vai: once you meet them. You will understand why I hate those three.

Avu: ok di. I think they are worst. Because the kindest Vaishu di herself hating someone from core of fer heart. So I am damn sure that even I and Naira will not like their company.

Vai: ok dont talk about those idiots. And those idiots will also accompain us to the shopping.

Nai: ok di. Did mom know that you hate those three.

Vai: yes Naira. And mom also hates their presence. We have no other way of tolerating their presence.

Avu: it's ok di. Don't spoil your mood by speaking about those girls. Are they biological sisters.

Vai: yes. That's why they share all the same bad habits.

Nai: ok di. Leave it. We can enjoy our day
Vai: yes Naira. I don't want to spoil my day.

After that conversation Vibha mam also joined them. Every one are playing with Ayaana and discussing about the preparations.

Abhisidthik were attending an important meeting with American clients. They had lunch with fun around 1:00PM. After lunch again Abhisidthik started to work on their presentation. They were at the Office which is in their home.

Vibha mam went to temple.While all the girls while are the girls are playing with Ayaana. Vaishnavi went to attend a phone call.

Right now Avneet and Naira were in the hall playing with Ayaana suddenly three girls came without knocking.

Naira and Avneet are sitting in the floor playing with Ayaana. Those girls thought that Naira and Avneet are maids. By seeing their dressing sense Naira and Avneet understood that they were those three girls or the idiots about who they were talking in the morning.

So Naira and Avneet started to play with Ayaana. They thought that they will come and carry the luggage. But after seeing them playing with Ayaana Without minding them they felt insulted. So they came towards Naira and Avneet.

( Girl 1= gir1, Girl 2= gir2, Girl 3= gir3, Nai= Naira, Avneet= Avu)

Gir1: are you two blind??

Gir2: can't you see us??

Gir3: what do you think about yourself?? First carry our luggage and take it to your room.

Nai: why should we carry your Luggages.

Avu: we are not blind and we saw you. And mind your words while speaking with us.

Gir1: how dare you raise your voice??

She raised her hand to slap Avneet but Naira caught her hand and gave a tight slap on her right cheek.

Naira's finger marks were clearly seen on her right cheeks.

Nai: this slap is for trying to slap my sister. Don't you dare to come near her again. UNDERSTOOD.

All the three girls stood there dumbfounded. They were shocked by Naira's action.

Gir3: how dare you?? I will fire you right now.

Avu: I think you should consult a Psychatrist. The one who treats mental patients

Gir2: how dare you?? What do you think about yourself?? Don't forget that you both are just maids. Don't cross your limits.

Suddenly a voice boomed in the hall.

??? : they are not maids. They both are one of the queens of this empire. Understood.

Those three girls stood there silently. They can't understand what is happening??.


To be continued...........


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I really thank every one who said me to take care of my health. Thank you ❤. I was really touched by every ones care. Thank you guys. Here after I will give update whenever I am free.

🌹❤THANK you❤🌹

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