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I am so sorry for my absence. I do not like this book, and my writing has improved and will be in a different style. You guys deserve an ending, even if it's a year late and sudden.

The neighbors left early. Bad and Skeppy had an emergency at their work, and everyone else followed suit.

Phil said he had a surprise for dinner. Tommy and Tubbo figured it would be a special dinner, maybe a memory of their family brought to life again. Now they sat at the table, and the air felt uncomfortably tense.

"So, Tommy, Tubbo, would you, uh... Would you say you like it here?" Phil asked. He seemed nervous, his eyes looking anywhere but the boys and his hands squeezed together so tight that his knuckles were white.

Tubbo nodded. "You guys a-are nice." He nodded to himself. Tommy grinned.

"Yeah, we like it. It's a bit weird, with all the people, but it's nice."

Phil looked at Techno and Wilbur, who nodded at him.

"I'm glad you feel that way, kids." Wilbur said. "We've been through a lot. Together."

Tommy sheepishly nodded, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck. They had been through a lot, really. Mostly because he and his brother are stupid kids, but that's not really the point-

"As you know, we..." Phil took a deep breath. "We have been fostering you for awhile. And, well, and you're a part of this family now. I see you as my own, Wilbur and Techno are your brothers, and you are their's."

Tommy nodded. He did see them like family, he guessed. Phil and his never ending support, Techno and how he took care of them, Wilbur and his... Wilburness. He looked at Tubbo. He saw hope in his brother's eyes. Real hope.

It hit him then, as he watched a tear fall from Phil's right eye, what was really happening. Wilbur and Techno had the biggest smiles on their faces.

He took his brother's hand.

"You have changed my life- our lives, in the best ways." Phil said. His voiced cracked, which would be fucking funny if this wasn't actually happening. "We..." Phil's voice faltered, as he looked to his older sons.

"What Phil is trying to say is that we have-" Techno started, but was ultimately cut off.

"We want to actually adopt you!" Wilbur yelled.  Techno rolled his eyes.

"Only if you agree, however. I know it's a lot." Phil said.

"You'd be stuck with Wilbur the rest of your life, kids, think hard on this." Techno said. Wilbur gasped in fake offense.


Tubbo looked at Tommy. For once, he was smiling. A huge, fat smile that lit up the room. Tommy extending his hand to Tubbo, asking him. If he took it, they would become a Watson. If he left Tommy hanging, they would return to the foster home, and leave this notion of adoption behind.

Phil held his breath, staring at the two kids. Techno squeezed Wilbur's shoulder, but their eyes were all glued on Tommy and Tubbo.

Tubbo stared at Tommy's hand. For a moment, Tommy faltered. He wanted to stay, even if everyone here had problems too, even if this all happened way too fast and the writer of his story left so many plot holes in their youth, even if it meant being stuck with Wilbur until the end of his days, he wanted to be a Watson.

But he would leave for Tubbo.

With tears in his eyes, Tubbo lifted a shaky hand.

And pulled Tommy into a hug.

"Yes. Yes, you can adopt us." Tubbo said, his voice cracking under the weight of his tears. Tommy buried his head into Tubbo's shoulder.

"Thank you." He whispered to his brother.

"We have a home." Tubbo whispered into his ear, fighting sobs.

Cheers erupted from the table. Techno was the first to stand, but everyone ran to give the boys a big hug.

And just like that, Tommy and Tubbo Watson had a family, and everything they ever wanted quickly fell in place.

heyyyyyyyy guys. long time no see.

I hope you liked the ending, even if it was sudden, just think of it as a christmas present <33 this book, even if it's terrible, still did a lot for me and gave me a platform. I never thought once that it would be as popular as it was, and leaving it behind was hard. but my writing is so much better now, and I have so many story ideas I want to bring to life.


and I really am sorry for putting a fucking AD down here but yk I don't really have much of a choice otherwise .........

for reasons I don't want to share, I could use some money. you have a sample of my current writing style above, and if you enjoyed reading it, you might want to look at this.

I am opening commissions for writing. I will write just about anything except:

-underage sex
-breaking creators boundaries
-anything I am uncomfortable with

my rates:

$5 dollar minimum

per 1000 words

Normal: $10
Smut: $15
Kink: $20

For example: If you commissioned 400 words it would be $5, but if you commissioned over 700, it would be $7. about a dollar per 100 words if it is a normal piece of writing.

if basic research is needed, it is an extra $5
if extensive research is needed, it is an extra $10.

you can message me on this account or email me @ (yes I know commissions is misspelled)

obviously, there is no pressure to commission me, but if you wouldn't mind supporting me by sharing this information or actually commissioning me, I would be so grateful, and it would really support me through a tough time. I will write anything. If you need comfort and want a fic about you and your favorite character chilling or if you're horny and need something catered to your specific kinks, I got you.

Also, if you want me to edit a story for you it would be $5 per 2000 words. If you have any inquiries, please email me to let me know.

with much love (and sorryness for sticking this ad in your face after practically abandoning yall for a year)

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