Part 7💤Hush💤

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I slowly come back into a stream of consciousness, my eyes closed but my mind alert. I listen for a bit. I hear a bit of ringing and silence, but then hushed voices fill my ear.

"Wil, it'll be okay. Techno caught him just in time." I hear someone say. I can't decipher the voice well.

"I- but... He passed out! He- he should be in a hospital!" Someone else says. I think it's Wilbur.

"He's fine. He was probably overwhelmed, combined with how little he's been eating." Someone says, in a tone that lets me know it's been said before.

"But this is dangerous!" The person I think is Wilbur yells again.

"He didn't hit his head." Someone, I think Techno, says.

"Whatever. I'm going to call Niki" Wilbur says. I hear some shuffling and his feet walking away.

I open my eyes, just a bit, so it's still covered by my eyelashes, and look around, staying still.

I see flashes of colors, my vision still blurry through my eyes. Judging the situation with the cues I have, I think it's okay to wake up.

I open my eyes fully, blinking tons to protect from the harsh bright lights. I slowly sit up.

"Tommy! Are you okay!?" Phil yells.

I rub my eyes, slowly adjusting to the environment. I see half of the people in the room are asleep, while half are diligently looking at me.

"Y-yeah." I say. I notice a fluffy blanket covering my body up to my chest.

Everyone let's put a sigh of relief.

"Did something... Nevermind." I say.

"You passed out. Lucky, Techno rushed in and caught you." Phil says.

Wilbur rushes back into the room, looking relieved.

"Are you okay?" He says. I nod.

"Where's Tubbo?" I ask.

"Ah, he's asleep. Bad's in there with him." George says.

"Oh, okay." I say, getting up, which causes a commotion.

"Woah woah woah woah!" Wilbur yells. "Sit back down!"

I plop back down on the couch, embarrassed. I feel my cheeks flush.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Ah, my bad, Tommy. You need to rest off your feet." Wilbur says.

"Here, I've got some water." Techno says, appearing from the shadows with an empty milk carton full of water.

He hands it to me, but I can barely handle the weight, and it plops on my lap. Luckily, nothing spills.

"Techno, get him a glass." Phil says, somewhat disapproving.

Techno turns on his heels, going back into darkness again. He comes out moments later, without having made a sound, with an empty glass.

Phil slowly takes the jug and fills up the glass, handing it to me.

I sip on the glass. I'm not very thirsty.

"Do you want to ask about anything?" George asks, with a soft voice.

Do I? Do I want to know more. I'm so tired of this. This constant grief. Things were finally consistent in life. And these people apparently know things? I can't.

"Can I just go back to Tubbo." I say, so quiet I almost whisper.

"Okay." Phil says. "But you have to finish your water."

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