Part 18 💤Running💤

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Techno holds me for a minute, his warmth giving me a sensation of safety, before pulling away.

Phil now stands in front of me, kneeling down like he always does.

"We would never hurt you, okay? That is a promise. All you did was set boundaries. And we respect them, and we will do our best to uphold them."

I slowly nod. Techno calmed me down. I look around the room. Dream smiles, but his mind is wondering. I can tell through his eyes. Bad is tapping his foot, but his face has the same supportive look on his face. Eret is crouched to the ground, smiling. They all have the same looks on their faces, supportive but cautious. Sapnap is looking at the ceiling, and Schlatt and Quackity aren't in the room anymore.

"Okay." I say. "I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight."

I swiftly turn around, going back into the long hallway, into the room. I don't bother to check the reactions of the room.

I have no plans of sleeping though. As much as I worry for Tubbo, as long as I lock the door, he should be safe. I need some time to think.

I carefully open the window, being dead silent. The cold air seeps into the room, fogging my vision. I climb out, stepping in some fallen leaves. The satisfying crunch calms me. I close the window, all but a crack, so I can get back in the room without it getting cold.

Once everything is secure, I take off running. I don't run anywhere in particular, just wherever my feet take me in the starry night.

I don't know how far I run, but I run until my legs give out, my lungs get overwhelmed, and the air freezes my body.

I fall on my knees on the hard concrete, breathing hard.

"Mum, Dad. I'm so sorry." I say aloud. "I-I miss you so much."

I stay on the ground, thinking about my parents. It's like they lived this secret double life. We never knew they were youtubers, or streamers. They didn't know famous people, they were just Mum and Dad.

I miss that. Things got so complicated.

Now I take care of Tubbo, and likewise, he takes care of me. But now there are these unbelievably kind people who knew them, and now, for some reason want to help us. With all of our issues.

And I still can't trust them.

I sit down more proper, hugging my knees. What a sight I am, some skinny kid with puffy eyes on the side of the road, hugging his knees. I'm pathetic.

I pull myself off of the ground, trying to get my bearings. I shouldn't have done this. I'm lost.

Surprisingly, I'm near the school. I walk a bit towards it, my hands in my pockets to avoid numbness.

Once I reach the tan concrete, try to figure out a way home. I bang on the doors, hoping someone would let me in.

The door opens, a tired old lady coming out.

"What is all of the commotion- ah, are you lost young boy?" She asks. She gestures for me to come in.

"Uh, Hi, I'm Tommy, and I'm lost. I need to uh..." I remember that Techno is my emergency contact. "I need to call my emergency contact."

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