Part 2 💤Officially Adopted💤

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After hours of paperwork, we are officially being fostered by the family.

"Techno, Wilbur, go help the boys pack their things. I just have to finish up here, won't take more than a few minutes." Phil says.

"Okay." Techno and Wilbur say in unison with a lack of enthusiasm

"This place brings back some memories." Wilbur says, looking around.

"You've been here before?" Tubbo asks.

Techno laughs. "Yeah, us two have been in and out of homes and orphanages since we were eight. Brothers by bond I guess, they couldn't separate us."

Wilbur laughs. "We were surprised when Dad found us, he was the best foster parent we'd ever had."

"Woah!" Tubbo says, as we arrive at the bedroom. "So you know what it's like!"

"Yup!" Wilbur says, smiling.

I help Tubbo find all of his things, and pack them in his suitcase. I triple check that he has everything, Techno and Wilbur grabbing things off of high places, and Tubbo trying to help.

Ha once we get Tubbo's things, I get my bag and put in the few things I own. All my extra money went to Tubbo, so I didn't have much more than some clothes and a few other possessions, which could all fit in my school backpack.

"Is that all you've got?" Techno asks, checking his watch.

"Y-yeah." I mumble, embarrassed.

Wilbur elbows Techno. Techno looks up.

"Oh... Uh, my bad, little man. I didn't have much either." Techno says, smacking his forehead.

Wilbur takes my bag off of my shoulders, throwing it over his shoulder.

"Hey, give it back!" I say, scared.

"Don't worry, I'm just carrying it. I'll give it back as soon as we get in the car." He says, reassuringly.

I look down. "Promise you'll give it back?" I mumble. I wasn't the most trusting person, after the horrible homes I had been too and the bullies who took my stuff.

He laughs, crouching with his knees until he gets eye level with me. He extends his pinky. "Pinky promise."

I hesitantly shake his pinky. His grin gets bigger, and he grabs my hand, pulling me through the room, back to Phil with Techno and Tubbo behind us. I look back at Tubbo, who's being carried by Techno, along with his stuff. He looks happy.

We get back to Phil, who's waiting by the door for us. Techno puts Tubbo down. Instinctively, I reach my free hand out for him to hold. I release some tension when he tightly squeezes my hand.

"You all ready to go?" Phil asks, standing from his seat.

"Yup!" Wilbur says, releasing my hand to give two thumbs up. I use my free hand to get closer to Tubbo, wrapping my arm around him.

He smiles, wrapping his arm around me as well. I smile back.

"Tubbo, you stole my buddyyyy!" Wilbur play whines.

"He's my buddy first!" Tubbo says, sticking out his tongue.

Phil laughs, holding the door open for us to leave. We waddle out to the parking lot, and Phil leads us to a large grey minivan.

I get nervous about the car. Driving is what killed them. I have no idea how good a driver Phil is, and I'm scared of getting into an accident. I can't push the thoughts out of my head of what happened, the blood and pain, the crime scene. I can't lose anyone else. especially Tubbo.

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