Part 3 💤Welcome Home💤

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Phil shows us a large room, with a bunk bed and a television, as well as a couch and a rug. In the corner are some sets of legos and a couple nerf guns. I drop my bag in awe.

"Is this our room?" I ask, confused. We've never gotten something this nice.

"Yeah! We wanted to be prepared." Phil says.

"Are you sure? This is really nice." I ask again, still confused.

"Yeah. I bought the nerf guns." Techno says.

"I bought the legos and a radio." Wilbur pitches in.

"Thank you!" Tubbo exclaims, jumping into the bed.

"Thank you..." I say. This seems too good to be true.

"We'll leave you two alone for a bit." Phil says, gesturing for the other two boys to leave with him. They get behind the door and close it.

"Tommy!" Tubbo yells excited. "We have a TV!"

"I know! And a bunk bed!" I yell.

"Does the bunk bed mean we'll have to sleep in different beds?" Tubbo ask. I chuckle.

"We can still sleep in the same bed, Tubbo." I say. He smiles. "Do you want to... nerf gun fight?" I ask.

He jumps up, excited. "You are going down!"

We rip open the nerf guns, loading the ammo. I always let Tubbo win when we play fight. I plan to only fire shots that are horribly aimed.

Tubbo shoots me in the shoulder, sliding across the room. I shoot back, missing his arm by a foot.

We play a bit, until Tubbo runs out of ammo and calls it a win.

"Ha! I win!" He yells prancing around the room. I laugh, he looks so happy.

"Once we calm down, and rest on the bed, Tubbo hands me the rest of the McDonalds I didn't eat.

"Please eat it." Tubbo asks.

I shudder. I hate eating so much, it makes me feel sick. I'll do it for Tubbo, though. I promise myself I'll eat two chicken nuggets.

I take out the box, and take out a nugget. I take a small bite out of it, savoring the flavor as I chew.

Once I swallow it, I feel like throwing up. I suppress it though, not wanting to worry Tubbo.

I spot the remote on a pillow, and pick it up. "Want to watch cartoons?" I ask. He nods. I put on spongebob, occupying Tubbo's mind while I focus on eating.

I end up eating two chicken nuggets and stomaching a couple french fries until I can't take it anymore. I lay down, attempting to ease my stomach.

We hear a knock at the door, when Phil slowly creaks it open.

"Hey. Just checking in on you two. What are you doing?" He asks.

"Oh, we're watching SpongeBob! Thanks for the TV by the way!" Tubbo says. "And Tommy is eating!"

"Oh! Cool." Phil says, looking somewhat relieved. "What did you eat?"

"Oh, uh... A couple chicken nuggets and some fries." I mumble.

"That's good. I hope you'll eat some dinner though. I'm making pizza!" Phil says.

"Okay." I say. Tubbo is already back to the TV, tuning out everyone else.

"Okay, have fun. Sorry in advance for Techno and Wilbur if they come bother you." He says, before closing the door.

"Tubbo, do you like Phil?" I ask. I ask this after we spend a few hours in every house, just to make sure that Tubbo is comfortable. If he isn't, I try to make contact between the family and him as little as possible.

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