Part 8 💤What if...💤

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I wake up, a presence around my body, loosely cradling me. I slowly move my head away, and remember what happened last night. I turn my head, seeing a crack of light coming from the door, with Tubbo gone from the bed.

I crawl out of Bad's lap and slowly go to the door.

Dream, George, and SapNap are quietly talking in the living room while Tubbo is no where to be seen. I hear some banging from the kitchen, along with some yelling.

"EYYYYYY FUCK YOU!" Someone yells. Their voice is unfamiliar.

"Shut up man." Someone with a deeper voice says.

"Dude, calm down." Techno says. "You'll wake up Tommy."

"Yeah yeah." He says.

"I can't wait to meet Harry's kids." The man with the deeper voice says.

"He'd be so proud of them just for making it this far." Techno says. "Tubbo will be back soon, and Tommy will wake up eventually."

The room goes silent, and I decide to make my entrance.

I walk in, accidentally running into someone. I take a step back. The guy is tall, with bushy brown hair and brown eyes.

"S-sorry." I mumble. He smiles, crouching down (quite a bit) to get eye level with me. He extends his hand.

"I'm Eret." He says. I glance at Techno, who looks indifferent and shake the man's hand.

Another guy, with a beanie that says LAFD, laughs. "Hey kid. I'm Quackity."

I can't help but let out a snort. Quackity? I thought everyone else's name was stupid, but Quackity?

"What!! Mi nombre es comicó?!" He says, joke yelling.

"I- I'm just going to call you Big Q." I say.

He dramatically moans. "The disrespect!"

I roll my eyes. Techno hands me a glass of milk. I decide to leave, walking to the living room with Dream, George, and SapNap.

"Hey Tommy." Dream says.

"Hey." I say, sitting down on the couch. I sip the glass of milk.

"How'd you sleep?" SapNap asks.

"It was..." I start, thinking about the odd events of last night. "It was fine."

"Cool." He responds.

A sex scene starts on the television, and George does a full body dive to block it.

Dream starts wheezing, reaching over where George was to grab the remote and pause the program.

"You lot are weird." I say, taking another sip of the milk.

"We're fun." Dream says. "Anything you wanna watch?"

"Not really. I don't really watch television anymore." I say.

"Oh, why's that?" He asks.

"Just didn't have the time or the technology." I say, taking another sip of the milk.

"Well now you do!" SapNap says. "Here, lemme introduce you to The Office." (a/n i'm sorry if your one of those people who hate the office it's just the most generic show)

He takes the remote from Dream and goes to Netflix, putting on a mockumentary show. It starts out with some old dude showing us around a poorly filmed office and making everyone uncomfortable.

"It gets better in season two." George mumbles.

We watch for a bit, Eret and Big Q joining us. They make the show more fun with some... interesting commentary, before Phil, Wilbur, and Tubbo come through the door.

"We have food." Tubbo flatly states, taking a seat next to me on the couch. He hands me a sandwich, from a place that makes subs.

I open it, and it's just a meatball sub. This early in the morning though, it seems questionable.

"Hey my sandwich has a rainbow flag in it!" Eret exclaims. I wonder if he's lgbt. (spoiler alert...)

I eat about half of the sandwich, before George leans in and asks me something.

"Be real, are you okay at school?"

I can tell Tubbo hears him too, by the way he groans.

"We are fine!" He yells, causing a sudden disruption in conversation. The room goes silent.

"T-Tubbo?" I question.

"We are fine. We don't need your help!" He yells again. He storms off, causing thuds to echo throughout the house. A disoriented Bad comes out a few moments later, confused.

"He's been like that all morning." Phil says, shaking his head.

I sigh, walking after Tubbo and into the bedroom. I see him hiding under the covers.

"Tubbo." I say, getting into bed and hugging him. "Are you okay?"

He's crying a bit, but sits up and wipes his eyes.

"Yeah, I am. It's just... These people don't know us! They didn't know our parents! I don't understand what's happening, and I can't stand them acting like they care!" He yells, venting his frustrations.

I sigh. "Legally, we can't get out of this home. We have to learn to tolerate them. If you want me to hate them, I will."

"Tommy. What if we run away?" He says.

I stop. The words shoot through me like a bullet, stopping me in my tracks.

All I want is for Tubbo to find a nice home, with a nice family. This is odd, but they seem to be nice, and caring.

But still, maybe he's right. Maybe they are just manipulative bastards.

"Alright." I say.

A/n- Sorry for the shorter chapter. My grandma got diagnosed with covid, so you could call this book a coping mechanism...Any-who, your comments give me live and make me laugh so keep it up! Also, 3k!!! Pogchamp!

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