15 💤Oh God💤

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why can't I find any eret-centric fics? 400 votes and I'll show the sapnap cosplay no one asked for.

We arrive back home, the sun hanging higher in the sky and the mist pooling around my ankles.

Eret quietly opens the door. "We have to sneak back in before people notice we're gone."

"Right." I say, slowly tiptoeing in.


A bunch of people turn to look at me, and then Eret. It feels like a bunch of silence after chaos.

"Uh...." I say, looking at Eret.

"We should've left a note." Eret mumbles.

Wilbur runs up, looking frantic, and picks me up in a hug.

"What the fuck?!" I say, feeling confused.

"Tommy! We thought you ran away again!" Bad yells.

"Again?!" Niki yells.

"Eret! A note would have been nice!" Phil says.

"Ah, my bad." Eret says. "We just went to my Gram's cafe for a bit."

Techno runs downstairs, with a battle axe, some chains, and knight helmet.

"Oh, Tommy's back." He says, dropping all of the ridiculous items.

I sit down in the couch, hoping that this incident will be forgotten soon.

"Where did you go?" Big Q asks.

"Eret took me to a cafe." I mumble.

"You had us worried sick, little dude." He says.

"S-Sorry. I-I had a nightmare and-and Eret just told me-me to come with him." 

"It's okay. Just don't worry us next time." He says.

I nod. "I won't."

Everyone yells at Eret for a bit, but eventually everyone calms down.

"Here." Phil says, handing me a small plate of scrambled eggs.

"I-I'm not hungry." I mumble. It's sort of a lie, I just can't stand eating right now.

Phil sighs. "Tommy, two bites. You can do it." He changes his tone from a bit sad to supportive.

"I really... I had some stuff at the cafe." I lie.

Phil raises an eyebrow. "If I ask Eret, will he tell me that?"

I shake my head. "Please don't make me... it's sickening." I mumble.

"Why don't we have a chat somewhere else?" He asks, standing up.

Oh god, I'm in so much trouble. I should've just eaten the damn food. It wasn't even that much!

I walk behind Phil, to what I believe is his bedroom.

I stand awkwardly, unsure of what to do, bouncing between my feet.

"Tommy... How are you feeling?" Phil asks.

Feeling? If I'm being honest with myself I feel like shit. I'm about to get yelled at or get in trouble, and I'll probably have to eat sooner or later. Everyone is probably mad at me for sneaking off with Eret, and I had that bloody nightmare. Not to mention this overwhelming sense of guilt that I always have to carry.

"I'm fine." I mumble.

"Tommy, it's okay to not be okay." Phil says, giving a soft smile.

"Is it though?" I say, scoffing. "I have to be okay, no questions asked. I have to be perfectly fine, all the time. It's a reality I have to carry."

"Tommy, you're allowed to have emotions. You're allowed to be sad, or happy, or angry. Everyone is." Phil says.

"No! YOU! You are allowed to have emotions! You have a perfectly pleasant life with your friends and your kids! I have to carry everything on my back, and I know that I have to do that! I accept that! Don't pretend like you know jack shit about me! I haven't known you for a full week!" I yell.

Phil looks stunned. I feel stunned. Did I really just do that? I just ruined Tubbo's chance of having a permanent home.

"Tom-" Phil starts, but I run out of the room.

"Sorry!" I yell. It hurts to run, but I make it to my room. I definitely caused commotion.

I hear knocking on my door, but I just hide under my covers, until it eventually goes away.

I get up, after a bit, tiptoeing around the room. The window clicks open pretty easily, making it so easy for me to sneak out; if I wanted too.

But I don't.

It hurts too much to move anyways. My sides still ache from running.

I close the window, and sigh. I watch cars drive around, but they barely come. A blue truck spends a couple minutes driving back and forth in front of the house, which is suspicious; to say the least.

"Hey Tommy?"

I whip my head around, staring at a closed door. The wood on the door has already begun to peel, from the force consistently put behind it.

"Hello?" I whisper, unsure of who's at the door.

"Tommy?" They say. It's Dream.

With hesitation, I open the door.

"Hey, Tommy. Mind if I come in?"

I open the door a bit more, letting him squeeze in.

"So uh... How are you feeling?" He asks.

This again. "Like shit."

"Oh... Man. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Help? What could help? Could anything really get me out of this situation?

"Unless you can get my parents to magically poof back to life, then I don't really see what you can do." I say, sarcastic. He sighs.

"Tommy, I just want you that I'm in your corner."

"Don't worry Tom, I want you to know that I'm in your corner. Forever."

"Oh TOMMY! You fucked up! You know what that means right!"

Screams echo in my head, as I fall back, almost crashing into something.

More quotes from that one home flood in, uncontrollable and some even escaping my mouth. I just want it to stop, I just need it to stop.

I shut my eyes, trying to grab the closest thing to me for support, but things go black.


I feel really hot. Like, really really hot. My skin feels like it's in an oven or some shit. I also feel heavy, like there's a lot of weight on me.

I can't really hear anything, except low mumbles and the unpleasant hum of electricity that constantly follows me around.

I open my eyes, trying to get my bearings. Everything is kind of blurry though, and all I can see is the ceiling.

I let out a small groan, causing some of the weight on my to shift.

"Tommy?!" I recognize the voice to be Tubbo's.
I try to sit up, but only manage to slightly shift my position.

Still, I can see the room a bit better now. It's just the living room, with everyone alert.

"What's going on?"

(HEY! ITS THE AUTHOR! WHATS POPPING? i've been saying what's popping too much irl. listening to your new boyfriend rn. poggers. I kinda hate this chapter but I gave fluff and wholesome uwu eret moments so you get angst now. ALSO IT WOULD BE POG OF YOU TO FOLLOW MY TIKTOK @ cryinggayrock BECAUSE I GOT LIKE ONE FOLLOWER LAST TIME I PLUGGED AND MY REACH IS REALLY BAD AND I MAKE GOOD CONTENT PLEASE— IF YOU DO IT DROP YOUR TIKTOK @ IN THE COMMENTS AND I'LL CHOOSE ONE REQUEST AND WRITE A CHAPTER PLEASE TELL ME BRIBERY WORKS! love y'all)

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