Part 6 💤After Dinner💤

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"Whats going on?" Tubbo asks.

I sigh, changing my position to hold Tubbo. "I think... I think they knew Mum and Dad."

Tubbo gasps, looking at me. "Wh-what?" I tighten my grip on him, pulling him into an even more endearing hug. He calms a bit, but there's only so much I can do.

Phil sighs. "Scarlett and Harry were old family friends. They were part of our group from the beginning."

Everyone around the table gives a small nod, looking sorrowful.

"We... we were all best friends." Bad says.

"When your parents passed away, we didn't hear until three weeks later. We were all torn apart."

Techno gives a small mournful nod.

"If... But we never heard of you!?" Tubbo yells in disbelief.

Everyone goes silent for a bit.

"We were going to meet you a week after it happened." Phil.

"We heard a lot about you, saw pictures and videos of every recital. We wanted to meet you so bad. Scarlett and Harry were hesitant, because of how crude we can be, among other reasons." Dream says.

Bad let's out a small, disheartened chuckle. "It was one of the best times."

The room goes silent again, a sense of pain and mourning hanging in the air.

"If you knew us, why did you wait to adopt us? We had no one." I say, my voice cracking on the last bit.

I see Wilbur slump into the wall a bit.

"We tried, I tried so hard. We couldn't find you. We moved to accommodate you, so we could be prepared for when we found you two. We wanted to find you and... I'm sorry." Phil says.

"I don't understand. You knew them, but we never heard of you. This isn't real, is it!" Tubbo yells. "You're fooling us as some sick trick! A joke!"

Tubbo breaks out of my grasp.

"Tubbo!" I yell after him, unsure of what to do.

"You all are a bunch of actors, right?! Fooling us? Our parents NEVER mentioned you! You're evil!" Tubbo yells again, pushing the nearest person back, which happens to be Phil.

"Tubbo!" I yell again.

"Tommy! Don't you see! They can see our parents name on file! They're lying!"

"Tubbo!" I yell again, tugging my ear.

He stands still, unsure of what to do.

"Tubbo," I say, softly, "I don't think they're lying."

"B-but, they're isn't any proof." Tubbo says. He seems so overwhelmed.

I jump from the countertop, carefully landing on the tops of my toes and bring Tubbo into an embrace. Everything around us seems still.

"It's okay Tubbo. Everything will be okay." I whisper in his ear. I let his head fall into my chest, hearing him sob just like I did.

I look at Phil, who looks somewhat distraught. I mouth 'I'm sorry.' at him. He gives a small smile, but I can tell that he's reliving grief.

I stay still, but have my eyes scan the room. Some are looking at us, trying to figure out the outcome of what is going on, while others just look down, or through a window.

Tubbo pulls from the hug, his eyes red and puffy.

"Why don't I tuck you into bed." I say, putting on a soft smiling white wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"Will you be there?" He asks, his voice faltering ever so slightly.

"I'll be in there soon after you, okay? I just need to talk to these people." I say, smiling.

"O-okay. But you better come back as fast as- as you can." He says.

"I promise." I say. I grab his hand and slowly walk back to our room, opening the door for him. The cartoon is still playing in the background.

First, I make the bed as comfortable as I can for him. I fluffed the pillow I put under his head, and tuck the blankets tightly into the bed so he feels more secure. Then, I use the youtube feature on the TV to play some relaxing music to hopefully lull him to sleep, before turning off the lights.

"Goodnight Tubbo." I say, covered by darkness.

"Night." He says, already a little bit asleep. I smile.

I quietly open and close the door and creep back into the kitchen, seeing the same scene that I left, with sadness still hanging in the air.

They look up when they hear me come in, some giving a smile.

"I'm sorry about Tubbo. I don't think he... He isn't... he can't process things very well in such short time." I say.

Wilbur nods. "This must be difficult for him." He says. His voice is hoarse, barely a croak.

"Do you have any- any pictures? Any videos of them? Letters, evidence?" I ask.

Phil looks around. Others nod at him

"We all- well most of us have videos and streams with them." He says.

"Streams?" I ask.

"We all have youtube channels a-and twitch stream." Phil says. "We collabed a lot with Scarlett and Harry."

"What is going on?" I say, practically crashing into whatever is behind me. I put my hand over my forehead.

Silence fills the room once more.

My head gets aching pains. I internally wince, not wanting to worry anyone, and hide my head behind my hair so no one sees my face's reaction to the pain.

Is this really happening? Did they know my parents? Part of me wishes this was a dream, a fabrication my mind made up to stimulate having part of them back. But the other part of me hopes it's true.

Black and red spots dance around my vision, my legs getting increasingly weaker. I move my arm and grab something, trying to stabilize. I can barely feel what I grabbed, but as the blackness takes over my vision completely, and my legs give out, I feel a pair of arms grab me along with various yells.

(Double update?? uhhhh yeah :). I wrote angst fast. Anyway, how was your day? I'm not doing great, so I'm pouring that into the fic. -Author.)

SBI + Tubbo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now