Part 12 💤Nurse💤

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Techno turns on his heels, searching the crowd for the boy who said that. All of the children seem to scatter at the sight of him, afraid he would bring out the universal language.

"Uh... My god, let's take Tommy to the infirmary." The teacher says.

I look up at Techno, my vision still blurry and bruised.  He smiles at me, and I try my best to hug him.

The teacher on duty leads us to the nurse, who looks disappointed.

"They did it again?" She asks, as Techno sets me down on a cot.

"Y-yeah." I mumble.

She gets out some stuff to clean the wound, along with some cotton balls to clean the blood.

"I'm sorry, Toms. You really should switch schools." She says.

"I need to-" I start, but she knows what i'm going to say.

"You need to be near Tubbo, I know." She says.

Techno is standing behind the nurse, grimacing. He seems angry.

"So, who's this guy?" She asks, pointing at Techno. She always tries to keep conversation during the painful bits.

"That's my new older brother -ah- Techno." I say.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." He says.

"Back at you." She says.

I look at Techno, wincing and holding back some screams. He tries to get a supportive look, but anger just takes over his face.

Once she has me all bandaged up, she takes Techno outside to talk. I don't think she knows I can hear.

"Tommy must really trust you, huh? To call you his brother." She says. Techno grunts.

"Well, Toms has always been reserved. I'm sure with you here you knew about the bullying, but since it's mainly school donor's kids, the administration won't do anything." She says.

"That's bullshit." Techno says.

"I agree. I don't know your situation, but since Toms seems to trust you a lot, I would get him out of here. There's another school near here, that goes through grades 1-9. He and Tubbo can go there, but they need an official transfer that the orphanage can't give him." She further explains.

"Sounds like a good plan." Techno says.

"Okay. Tom's injuries will heal in a few weeks, so keep him in low stress situations. You can take him home for the day, but you need a parent." She says.

"Dammit, he's streaming today." Techno says. "Lemme call Phil."

"If you wouldn't mind having that on speaker just so I can verify the call." She says.

"Techno, what is it? I'm streaming." Phil says through a phone's crappy audio.

"Can the stream hear?" Techno whispers.


"I'm at Tommy's school and he's badly injured. We need you to come pick him up."

"What?! What happened?" Phil exclaims. "I'll be over in a few minutes."

I hear the line disconnect.

Techno walks back in, with the nurse.

"How are you feeling, Toms?" She asks.

"Like shit." I mutter.

"I'm sorry. Your... Parent?" She says, looking up at Techno. He shrugs. "Phil, will be here soon."

"Okay." I say, looking down.

"Does this happen every day?" Techno asks.

I shake my head. "They wait a bit for my wounds to heal and start over. Well, they still act like dicks, but not as bad."

"If Phil didn't make me make that promise... Those kids wouldn't see their parents again." He says. I let out a sort of half laugh, not truly laughing, but exhibiting some sort of gratefulness.

"They'd be like me."

The room goes silent. Was that too far?

"S-sorry." I mumble.

"Oh- no. You're good, little man." He says.

"So, how's Tubbo?" The nurse asks.

"He got a leg injury. He'll be gone for a week." Tommy says, looking down.

"Awe. Tell him I'm rooting for him." She says. I nod.

The room goes silent for awhile. I twiddle my thumbs, unsure of what to do, until brash footsteps interrupt the silence.

"Tommy?! Techno?!"

Phil storms through the open door, looking tired and scared. He walks over to me, crouching down to look at my face.

"Oh god Tommy I'm sorry." Phil says, looking at the bandages all over my body.

I sigh. "You didn't know."

"Ah... I should've." He says.

"Excuse me sir, I need you to fill out these forms as well has present a form of ID." The nurse says.

Phil nods, pulling out his drivers license and a pen. He signs some paperwork and gets the go ahead from the nurse to take me home.

"I hope I never see ya again Toms." The nurse says, smiling.

"Back at you." I say.

We walk out into Phil's minivan. Techno sits in the very back with me, just kind of holding me.

I sort of snuggle into Techno's shirt, listening to his steady breathes.

When we get back to the house, Eret and Schlatt are talking outside.

I get out of the car, Techno holding my stuff.

"Tommy? It's early- Tommy!?" Eret says, his face morphing from confusion to horror.

"Jesus kid are you okay?" Schlatt asks.

I look at Techno, unsure of what to do. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Kids at school." I mumble.

The two men look stunned.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Schlatt yells.

Bad runs out. "Language!" He yells, before seeing me.

"Tommy?! How are you feeling? Are you okay?! Let's get some hot chocolate!" Bad yells, aggressively gesturing for me to come in.

Techno picks me up and carries me inside, laying me on the couch.

"It'll be okay." He whispers, smiling.

(A/N- Double update who?? anyway, I just want to specify the direction i'm going with this book. It'll have a focus on Tommy building relationships with everybody, like he did with Techno in these past few chapters, while also focusing on the overarching plot. Also um so many reads?! and y'all are so funny btw. Much love from a sleep deprived and emotionally unstable author <3)

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