Part 11 💤School💤

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"Tommy!" A familiar voice yells.

"Tommy, we found you..." Another voice yells, dragging out each word.

Creepy sirens echo throughout the world. It's completely black, and every step I take just creates a creak in the wood.

"Who- who are you?" I yell, trying to hold back tears.

I feel a pair of cold, slimy hands slide down my back. I jump, looking back to see a woman, skin pale and blood leaking from her face. Her eyes are completely white, and she looks drowned. Scars cover her body.

"TOMMY!" She yells, digging her nails into my skin.

I scream. "Mum!?"

I feel her cold, clammy hands grasp my throat, squeezing it tight.

"TOMMY!" She yells. I desperately try to get her slimy hands off of my throat, seeing blood leak from everywhere on my body. I kick, scream, and struggle, as shards of glass and a sturdy truck gone at me, out of nowhere.


I open my eyes, confused. Techno is leaning over me, shaking my shoulders.

"T-techno?" I mumble, noticing how ever part of my body his drenched in sweat.

He leans back, letting me go and letting out a sigh of relief.

"You were screaming." He says.

"Oh, uh, my bad." I say, frantic. Thoughts flash through my head of the woman who looked like my mother.

I can feel my breathes get faster, but hope Techno doesn't notice.

"Hey, little man, it's okay." He says, putting his arm on my shoulder.

"Y-yeah." I mumble, shuddering.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asks.

In all honesty, I trust Techno a lot more than anyone else in this weird family. He seems reserved, but it's easy to tell when he cares.

"Yeah." I say.

He gives me a hug, getting on the empty bed with me. Tubbo was sleeping on the couch, supervised by Dream and Eret for his injuries.

"Let's put on something to watch." He says, grabbing the remote.

He puts on a video titled "Minecraft Manhunt Speed-runner vs 3 Hunters."

I don't really pay attention, but the voices on the screen sound familiar.

I can't stop thinking about the woman still, even with Techno attempting to comfort me.

"Do you mind telling me what your dream was about?" He asks after awhile.

I gulp, nodding. "I was in this room, I think, with a wooden floor. But everything else was pitch black. Everything. And then I heard sirens, and my name, and this woman, who looked like my mum but mummified tried choking me I think, and then there was glass and a car and..." I say, starting to cry.

Techno holds me, trapping me in a tight hug, kind of like the one from the night when I found out they knew my parents.

I release a bit of tension, awkwardly hugging him back for awhile.

The video on the tv ends, with the screen going dark. Techno just stays still, hugging me. My tears dry and my eyes get droopy, falling into a deep sleep, held by my brother I guess. My older brother.

"Older brother." I whisper, without thinking.

I feel Techno jump a bit, stiffening, before going back into a softer position and hugging me even tighter.

SBI + Tubbo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now