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Tom's POV

I'm not sure when I got to my feet. Stumbling in a daze I turned my back on John. I should have been going to get help. His family should be told. His body should be respected and be taken for mourning. I stalked like a blind man through the dense crowding of the trees, my hands outstretched and groping allowing my palms to graze against the rough tree bark. When I eventually looked up I found a break in the thick canopy overhead and stared in wonderment at the pale sliver of the moon that barely graced the darkness. Looking at the moon I thought about the universe. It seemed impossible that we were racing through the black void and on top of that spinning dizzy circles at a wonky angle. You accepted it as truth but the brain just couldn't quite bend around the idea, for the first time though I felt like I could. It felt like I had juddered momentarily to a halt and now I was slightly behind the rest of the world not quite able to keep up with its relentless motion. My stomach had the uneasy feeling that came with a sudden drop or plunge on an amusement park ride.  

When my legs began to feel like lead I gave up. I didn't fall to the ground, just rather slumped leaning against a tree. Looking around the gloom my eyes adjusted making out the distinct knot in the tree ahead. I recognised where I was. These woods were a second home to me, as a boy I had enjoyed turning the entire forest into my make believe kingdom. I had raged war against fearsome foes and searched for buried treasure amongst these writhing tree roots. Tonight though, I was seeing something else.  I was seeing something more than I had ever noticed before. The tree's seemed to breathe, the forest floor had a hum and the night sky had a tidal current.

Immy's POV

"Cheer up, Immy." Dona urged munching on an apple core. Dona adored apples, always she had an apple on the go it had become a running joke. Now, thanks to several years of birthdays and Christmas', her outfit matched her eccentricity. A silver necklace with an apple shaped pendant twinkled at her throat, her lips were rosy apple red, her earrings were shaped for apples and her top was designed with an apple tree logo. Everyone safe for me affectionately terms her as 'Apples'. I refuse to name my best friend after a fruit, even if she claims not to mind. I roll my eyes at her and lean forward to shovel up another fistful of popcorn into my mouth. "I don't know why you're acting so crabby." She commented conversationally her eyes glued to the TV screen (or more particularly to semi-nude actor Alexander Skarsgård).

"I'm fine." It irritated me that I could hear the sour edge to my voice. If I couldn't convince myself how could I fool those around me?

"You set up their date and gave him all the advice. That proves it Immy, you like the Alpha's mate." Her large amber eyes slid from the screen to catch mine dancing with enjoyment. The smugness seeped through her smile. She was daring me to try to deny it. I pursed my lips and scowled at her. "So why are you in such a foul mood?"  Looking into her sunshine expression the answer finally dawned on me. The reason I couldn't stand what was going on in the other room hit me with a tidal wave.

"Just drop it, okay?" Dona frowned but shrugged her shoulders.

"Fine, would you like me to leave?" Dona has been my closest friend for years. We don't fight but mainly because Dona has learnt when I need space.

"No it's fine, I'll go. Sorry Dona." I get to my feet snaffling a final fist full of popcorn before edging past the sofa.

"It's okay. Speak to you in the morning." Her eyes are already returned to the TV screen. I slippd from the room and let my feet take the path they will. My sensitive ears picked out the soft tinkle of Lauren's light laugh swiftly followed by Lewis' manly chortle. They are the happy couple enjoying the perfect date that I planned. I punch the wall, the plaster crumbling under my fist. A collection of gasps bring to my attention the fact that I am not alone. My feet had carried me to the games room and around the pool table Jay and his posse stand frozen. There's money on the table, drinks on the sides and a cloud of smoke hangs in the air. They've been having fun, relaxing after intensive training this afternoon only my entrance has smashed through the frivolity.

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